Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WBC 2013--Round Eight

Habemus Papum Syndicate Members!
WBC 2013

It’s been a glorious day for all those faithful in the “Pope and Change” Camp. Infinitely more important, it’s been a divine day for the Syndicate. So many Firsts on this day. The cardinals elevated first non-European Pontiff to the papacy. We witnessed the birth of a birth of a brand new order: The First Pope to choose the name “Francesco”. And of course….I must concede in with full Catholic humility…your bookie has for the first time lost money on a Book.

No need to worry about me, however. Your friendly bookie blesses you. In Nominee Parti et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…  Until the newly elected Papa, he doesn’t even ask of you to bless him. I’ll be fine. My losses were by no means deep, and they are a small price to pay for the privilege of beholding a day like today. Today we recaptured the “Spirit of the Syndicate”. This difficult-to-define essence easily beats the shit out of the “Holy Ghost”. Today we resurrected the foundational principles, the governing dynamics, the Passion of the Bookie, the roots of this entire endeavor, the whole reason I devote the Lion’s Share of what little private time I get to compose these lines.
Papal Conclave 2013

Why does the Syndicate exist at all? So sharp wits can exchange biting riffs. Days like these justify it all. We all got together again. We all got together and “felt alright”. 1.2 Billion Catholics may have seen their faith reaffirmed, but a hundred or so oddballs re-affirmed something much more significant. Your friendly bookie blesses you. In Nominee Parti et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…

Time to share some of today’s exchanges. It’s been far too long since we’ve featured a Simmons-style “Mailbag Section”. I’ve a few unfinished ones from the Election, CAN, and the WBC on my desktop….along with probably at least 42 other unfinished projects that keep getting pushed to the backburner. Approaching Downtime should enable me to complete…hell….maybe one. For now, we owe it to the “Spirit of the Syndicate” to share the day’s highlights.

Enjoy. Your friendly bookie blesses you. In Nominee Parti et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…


Syndicate Member: When is this fucking pope going to show up? I’ve been sitting here watching Anderson Cooper interview ditzy American Exchange students for almost an hour. I can’t take listening to another one of these girls telling me, “Like, we’re like studying abroad and this is, like, historic.”

Vicey: Patience, my son. First the new Pope must have his balls fondled. Seriously. Tradition dictates that the Cardinals inspect his testicles to ensure that a woman didn’t somehow fool everyone in the Basilica. The tradition was retained to preserve the humility of the office. They say whoever ascends to St. Peter’s chair must eschew hubris first and foremost. I can imagine nothing more humbling than having my sac cupped.

Following this, the new pope heads to the “Room of Tears” to get fitted for his prom dress. After every last cardinal has pledged fealty, he retreats to the Pauline Chapel for private prayer. It may take a while to get Jesus on the Mainline. The Pauline Chapel isn’t like the War Room in “Dr. Strangelove”. There isn’t a God-to-Pontiff Red Hotline Phone. Jesus may have stepped out. Give the Son of Man some time to check his voicemail messages.

Syndicate Member: To hell with this pudgy egghead. When is Pontiff “Viceus the Unready” going to appear on the balcony and bless us with some original comedy?

Vicey: Patience, my son. First I have to fondle my balls. I’ve been sitting on them for over an hour. Then, I must head to the “Room of Tears” to cry about all of the money that I lost. After receiving pledges of fealty from all Syndicate Members, I have to try and raise Jesus on the Mainline. The Pope typically appears 45 minutes after the White Smoke. I’ve some White Smoke of my own to make before I’m prepared to address the masses.

Syndicate Member: No fair! I cry foul! This Pope can’t ask me for a favor two minutes into the job! Why should I bless him?

Vicey: (giggling uncontrollably) Yeah! Who does this guy think he is? Kennedy! “Ask not what your Papa can do for you, ask what you can do for your Papa”.

Syndicate Member: Will you ever get back to talking Baseball?

Vicey: Let the record show that you remain the ONLY one to even come close to suggesting that. It’s a unique distinction. I love you for it….just know that you’re special.

Syndicate Member: My Faith in God has cost you a lot of money.

Vicey: Your Faith in God has also cost you a few brain cells. Er….the check is in the mail, ye of enviable faith. 

Syndicate Member: Are you, in fact, an observant Catholic? It almost seems so.

Vicey: Your friendly bookie isn’t truly observant of much beyond Internet Porn. Nevertheless I’d likely still find sitting in a Catholic Mass eminently relaxing. It sure beats watching a bunch of stark-raving mad apostolic assholes running around the aisles screaming about their “Holy Ghost Power”. Forced to sit in on one of those services, I very nearly punched a wild-eyed guy who was barreling towards me shrieking “JESUS! Mashalabas fu este mans shublle na tune tuope falalalalala!”. Ugh. Something tells me that recurring nightmare will return this evening.

Syndicate Member: Somewhere in a magnificently manicured Garden, Ratzinger is mumbling to himself “Good luck, schmuck”.

Vicey: (at a loss for words). Your friendly bookie blesses you. In Nominee Parti et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…

Syndicate Member: Is this really a new beginning? Can I masturbate freely now?

Vicey: Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy. You’ve always had the power to masturbate freely. Simply bite your lip, close your eyes, and keep repeating the mantra “There’s no place like my imagination”.

Syndicate Member: I thought we were done with the Nazi Popes. Considering that this guy’s from Argentina….I’m not convinced.

Vicey: (smacking the table to keep himself from laughing too hard.)

Syndicate Member: Vicey’s Papal Lines are brought to you by “I can’t believe it’s not Jesus!” Low-Fat communion wafers!

Vicey: Bah-ha. This one had me reeling. Inspired by his ingenious reference, he then opted to really push the limits:

Syndicate Member: Vicey’s Papal Lines are also brought to you by “Dr. Happy’s Third Trimester Abortion Funhouse.” Dr. Happy’s: We’ll bring out the kid in you!

Vicey: Christ almighty. I actually laughed at this, then flagellated myself for at least a half hour. You’re going to hell, syndicate member. I’ll see you there. Thank God there aren’t any women reading this!

Syndicate Member: Sic Transit Goldie Hawn.

Vicey: No clue what that’s supposed to mean. I wish my Latin knowledge didn’t come exclusively from the Asterix Comic Book Series. I also wish I had been paying attention when watching “Housesitter” starring Steve Martin.

Syndicate Member: Man, oh man. I wish I were in that Vatican crowd with all the horny college girls.

Vicey: Amen to that. Your friendly bookie blesses you. In Nominee Parti et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…

Syndicate Member: Love the look in this pope’s eyes. It almost seems like he’s come to terms with his own sexuality…or asexuality as the case may be.

Vicey: Interesting point. Based on his distended stomach, I read the look in his eyes to read “It’s been almost three hours since my last meal. Il Papa is hungry. Do we have anymore of those Sea Salt Communion Wafers?”

Random Mailer: Why make a joke out of religion?

Vicey: You took time to write me and I appreciate that. My counter-question is, since you did indeed take time to write me, “Why make a joke out of yourself?”

Syndicate Member: Pop Quiz, Hot Shot. Say you’ve just donned the Papal Vestment and are preparing to tread out on the balcony to address some 200,000 individuals in St. Peter’s Piazza. What do you do? What do you say?

Vicey: Now that’s a tough question, Keanu. Pope Peter II has just been anointed. He’s got his best dress on. He’s had his balls fondled, he’s prayed for the strength to make it through this moment. He feels himself ready. Yet, after the curtains are drawn and he beholds the marvelous spectacle of over 200,000 pilgrims, he suddenly comprehends the enormous burden of his charge. What does he do? What does he say?

After probing the inner depths of my soul, I’ve little choice but go with:

“Hey Everyone! We’re all gonna get laid!”

Strike up the band.

Viva la Syndicate! Well done, brothers. There isn’t an ecclesiastical order that can hope to hold a candle to us. Though our numbers may be few, our sardonic commentary remains legion. Your friendly bookie blesses you…..

My Updated Stats:

Spread: 10-20-2
Straight up: 18-12-2

No time to finish up the Italy vs. Puerto match. The Stats from yesterday stand. Let’s talk tomorrow’s game.

USA vs. Dominican Republic

(Craig Kimbrel vs. Alfredo Simon)

HAH! Given today’s events, one might invest some faith/coin in the Franciscans. These are the Dominicans we’re talking about. It will prove a hard-fought nine innings. Nevertheless, expect Uncle Sam to prevail.

THE LINE: USA + 2 Runs