Wednesday, January 21, 2015

AFC 2015--Quarterfinals

Abend Syndicate Members,

Your friendly bookie senses re-invigoration as we return to Asia. Eight inherently annoying teams have been cut loose. Nothing quite like losing some irritating “Dead Weight”. It frees up the shoulders and the consciousness. As the AFC Asian Cup enters the Knockout Phases, we’re all glad to be rid of sorry footballing nations like Qatar and Oman.

Time to actually watch some quality football in the name of irrepressible geo-political trends.

Where’s that graphic? We need our graphic!

Four elimination matches to cover this evening. Let’s cover the stats first.

My Updated Stats

Spread: 12-12
Straight Up: 18-5-1

Never overthink matters when it comes to Asia. Heed that advice.

Time to check the mailbag.

 Related image

Reader: You’re no Raphael Honigstein, brother.

Vicey: Hehehehe. I know. Most days I’m fortunate enough to be a poor man’s Oliver Hitz. ; )

Reader: Pissy about having to cover Asia?

Vicey: Nah. Not really. It’s just that I’m spending an inordinate amount of time sitting in my bathrobe in front of the keyboard. By the way, I have a public service announcement for all of the hard-working writers out there:

Ahem. It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season!

For the love of God and everything holy, don’t answer the door dressed only in your bathrobe! I know that you’re extremely busy and heavily distracted, but there may very well be an eight-year-old girl on the other side of that knock.

Don’t unintentionally submit yourself to completely coincidental feelings of horrible shame and ten boxes of thin mints.

I was only trying to meet a writing deadline!! I’m a good person!!

Reader: There actually is a beIN TV Channel!

Vicey: Syndicate Member 128-M wishes to remind you all that an authentic American Cable Satellite Channel is covering the Africa Cup of Nations. All that you mates now have to do is call up your cable provider and tell them,

“Just give me every damn channel ever known to man”

Good luck with that. If you’re phoning up Comcast, it should only take you four hours to navigate their phone tree. 

Reader: Hey Mr. Douchebag. I bet you still like to cuddle.

Vicey: Dear Lord it’s a woman. ; ) Who’s been slacking off on guard duty? Perimeter breach, brothers. PERIMETER BREACH. Sound the alarm!

A little early for you, isn’t it? The Syndicate’s comprehensive coverage of the Women’s World Cup is still five months away. Gentlemen, meet Syndicate Member 14-F. You’ll all meet her soon enough…or I’ll succeed in running away and hiding away somewhere else once again. : )


A “piece of piss”, you might think.

CAN 2013“This asshole simply reposts some of his old shit”. That may be true in a certain respect, but check out just how bloody neurotic your friendly bookie happens to be.

From CAN 2013—Quarterfinals

Pump it up Syndicate members,

Stateside, the subsequent three days are known by a colloquial designation. Somewhere along our culture’s inexorable slide toward decadence, the next fifty some-odd hours received the classification “Super Weekend”. I do not object to this. Quite the contrary. I consider it my solemn duty to accelerate the trend. The term “Super Weekend” rings entirely too banal, bourgeois, worn-out to a point that now warrants retirement. Moreover, the use of ONE bromidic adjective does not accurately convey the divine offerings that lay before us.

The knockout rounds of the African Cup of Nations are upon us! The new season of Downtown Abbey is in full swing (oh yes, I’m deathly serious. deathly, deathly serious). Then, of course, to round everything up, Sunday evening all of us Americans will engage in a uniquely consumerist annual holiday that involves getting completely plastered whilst eating our own weight in nacho cheese dip.

I don’t have to go into work! I’ve also cleared all my deadline contracts. For the first time since….you know….I actually cannot remember…(possibly September, but don’t quote me)…I HAVE TIME OFF! It’s scarcely believable. This bookie maintains no memory of what “time off” even feels like! Where should I begin? The Halloween/Christmas decorations that I never got around to taking down? The load of laundry that first resembled a sizeable ursine creature, then gradually morphed into now what undeniably looks like marshy swamp habitat? Perhaps I’ll begin by cleaning out the fridge. The milk with the sell-by date of “November 27th” has probably seen it’s best days. Hmmm…perhaps the fridge is too ambitious. That half-eaten ham sandwich over there has turned into a half-something-I-entirely-do-not-wish-to-know-about. Let’s start there.

Editor’s retroactive notes:

Hell yes! I took care of the milk, the decorations, the ham sandwich, AND the laundry!! Booya! Er…missed the Super Bowl. Can’t have it all now can you?  

All this free time. Which backdated stack of scholarly journals should I start with? “Foreign Affairs”? “March/April 2012”. Shit. How did that happen? “American Journal of International Law”? WINTER 2011? Dammit. “European Journal of International Relations”. Oh for chrissake. I’ll spare you the quarter. Suffice to say we’re still living in 2010!!

Editor’s retroactive notes:

One day your friendly bookie looks forward to breaking himself of the habit of reading two-year-old news in the interest of being stubbornly chronological. One day…

Okay, okay. Peer-reviewed scholarship might prove a bit heavy anyway. Let’s hit up the magazine periodicals. Surely I don’t have such a ways to go to catch up with “The Economist”? Yeah! I’ll just pick up right where I left off….on….JUNE 23rd 2012!?!?!

Editor’s retroactive notes:

CAN 2013Case in point: I picked up the June 23rd 2012 issue of the Economist on February 14th 2014. (The day after I left my most recent job). Did I logically and sanely resume my reading the current issue after that? FUCK NO. This perpetually self-flagellating monk had to atone for his sins!!


I’m happy to report that I eventually got caught up. It took over three months. I cease to make sense to me. The grammatical feasibility of that last sentence may be dubious at best, but so are my hopes for ever having anything resembling a normal sex life at this point ; ( ; ( ; (

AHHHHHHHH! Newspapers. Newspapers, newspapers, newspapers. How we doing’ my beloved Grey Lady/? Wednesday January 23rd. Phrew. Okay. Doable. WSJ? January 18th? How the hell does this keep happening?!? Okay. Relax. Stop hyperventilating Foreign Press, foreign press. That’s the beauty of the Internet! It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since I’ve followed the IHT, Guardian, Süddeutsche, or FAZ. The latest always sits on Page One. We’ll just pretend the old news didn’t happen. Of course the Internet also supplies us with Podcasts. PODCASTS!! Arrrghhh. I’m over four months behind on my RBB Podcasts! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Editor’s retroactive notes:

I’m also happy to report I’m almost fully caught up on my RBB Podcasts! Hurrah. ; ) ; ) It took 15 months ; ( ; (

Tongue and cheek wink. Of course, there’s no real need to worry about me, mates. Your friendly bookie remains the same brutally stubborn bastard he’s always been. Though he possesses numerous character defects, one cannot claim he lacks a focused and determined work ethic. Sleep-deprived or dry heaving, he always finds a way to “get shit done”. He’ll catch up just fine, just as sure as he’ll eventually stop referring to himself in the third person. Maintaining concentration is a simple matter of allowing one’s mind to edit out unimportant things…like the expired milk, the half-eaten ham sandwich, and the extremely hot girl in the thong bikini staring at you obsequiously from the corner holding up a four-foot sign that reads “PETER! I LOVE YOU! Please ravish me in all orifices immediately!”

What’s that? I didn’t see anything. Honestly. The mind simply edits it out automatically.

CAN 2013 
Whatever I end up catching up this weekend, a “radonkulous” spate of first-rate football fixtures mean I definitely won’t be catching up any sleep. I sincerely hope all of you will find to catch at least one. Thus far, many syndicate members have written in to innocently (and truly with no amount of sarcasm) inquire why they should be interested in African Football. Only by actually taking in a match can you figure out the answer to that question for yourselves. We’ll compose an entirely non-football related ramblings section for the terminally bored. First, I’d like to welcome everyone to the vastly superior version of “Super Weekend” that you’ve long since assumed I forgot to enclose:

Gentlemen, welcome to the…..


Tada! Still not intrigued? Well, let’s do one of our patented aphoristic rambling sections. Sadly, I only have time for an abridged one.

Editor’s retroactive notes:

“Only have time for an abridged one”. Yeah….that’s what I tell the girls too ; (
Random Thoughts from a Disarmed Bookie….Vicey is a Rambling Man

--Sitting down to sling out a few arrows of thought, the first one that surfaces concerns the inability to find a decent online electronic trance radio station. By this I mean, could I possibly beseech someone out there in the ether to SIMPLY PLAY SOME UNINTERRUPTED UPBEAT TRANCE?!? I’m on my fourth station thus far, and haven’t gone so much as a minute without having to listen to some accented DJ bursting in:

“’s Jochaim von Schwarzlaugenschmelze and YOU..are in…DA MIX!”

Shut the fuck up. I know where I am…and I was doing just fine until you showed up!

If they’re not shamelessly plugging themselves, they interrupt to string together a bunch or irreverent and redundant information.

“Yes, yes…high energy…energy techno…spinning the tables for you’re high energy dance energy Friday night party. Out of control. ENERGY!”

This shit doesn’t happen on the classical channel.

“Hey..hey…it’s BACH! Baroque, baroque, baroque. Lot’s of stings. There’s even a French Horn in there somewhere. Twenty-minute bass-solo. Baroque!”

Editor’s retroactive notes:

This continues to perturb.

“Yes I’m still here”

“Interrupting your track”

“Joachim von Schwarzlaugensmelzenbrötchen”

“In da mix”

“In da mix”

--Sigh. Speaking of Austrians who don’t know when to quit, why does the Gubenator have a new movie coming out?

“Schwarzenegger in “The Last Stand”: “Not in his town! Not on his watch!”

Hmmm…apparently, “Not at the U.S. Box Office” either. Sorry, but I refuse to suspend disbelief this far. Why are residents of a conservative Texas border town electing a foreigner as sheriff? That’s just….no….no, no, no.

--Plodding through my copy of Jeff Bridges latest offering, “The Dude and the Zenmeister”. Sad to say it’s going about as disastrously as my initial viewing of “Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy”. Halfway through and I’ve still got no clue what’s going on. All I’ve been able to surmise is that it must be nice to be those people. It’d be nice to have a career as a spymaster…or an actor who talks about “cuons” with a nutty old Jew for a weekend. Yeah…my life’s not so bad….just not as good as theirs.

--More disappointing writing from Michael Lewis. Perhaps I waited to long to read “The Big Short”. It just hasn’t aged well. After being exposed to all the pompous hype, one reads with a more vigilant eye. His take on Germany? A bunch of tired, clichéd NAZI analogies that remind me of very bad drunken times at very dingy bars.

“Oh, your from Germany,” some slob would spit out on a sultry Louisiana night, “come on and…sheet down Brüder (gesticulating). Let me make you a little….LEBENSRAUM! Bwahahahahahaha!”

I’m not a snob. Additionally, absolutely love me some frivolous drunk humor. It’s just…..maybe it’s about time we let some of this go.

--Your friendly bookie Vicey: Perpetually happy to write about the countries Rick Steves wouldn’t touch with a soiled mop handle.

--Do you know Jean Ping? You should get to know Jean Ping:

He’s half Chinese, half Gabonese. One doesn’t encounter that sort of inter-ethnic breeding everyday. Somewhere in Africa there was a Chinese man who managed to charm and seduce an African woman. The results are nothing short of astounding. The accomplished diplomat sports a head shaped like a football itself, yet still somehow manages to pull of a Samuel L. Jackson glare. After working his way up through the late Gabonese President Omar Bongo’s cabinet he served honorably in UNESCO and the UN General Assembly before finally ascending to the Chair of the AU Commission. He’s essentially the Juan Manuel Barrosso of Africa. Check out some of his directives. It’s Confucius meets Shaft.

CAN 2013
Editor’s retroactive notes:

Jean Ping is currently head of “Ping and Ping Consulting”…..I’ve suddenly got a hankering for some shrimp-fried rice.

--Time to come clean. Off my chest. I count myself among the legions of grown-up alpha American males intrigued by the surprisingly deep existential lessons embedded within the television serial….”My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. I have no excuse for this. I’ve borne no children. The show was deliberately developed to appeal to the parents forced to watch their show with their children. I heard about through general Pop Culture Chatter, checked it out, and……am……astounded.

Editor’s retroactive notes:

Still an unabashed “Brony”, though I mostly root for Nightmare.

--I’ve yet another Chinese Politician to introduce to you to. Have you met Wang Yang? Seriously..that’s the man’s name. The “Wukan Wonder” ran Chonquing Province before giving way to Bo Xilai upon his promotion to the Politburo. With all that we’ve read about Bo Xilai over the past year, why have newspaper reporters been depriving us of the name of his predecessor? The man’s name is “WANG YANG”! I wouldn’t be able to resist mentioning that three sentences below the dateline.

Editor’s retroactive notes:

Rest in Peace, Bo. Wait a second? They didn’t execute him? That’s anticlimactic. ; (

--About time to close this little free-styling section. We’ll pick up where we left off during the semifinals. For now, there’s football to discuss. DJ Vice with leave you with this:

“Yes, yes…high energy…energy techno…spinning the tables for you’re high energy dance energy Friday night party. Out of control. ENERGY!”

Whoops. Hit the wrong button there. Let’s try again. DJ Vice will leave you with this:

Great book. Best book I’ve read all year. For all the smack I’ve been talking about disappointing over-hyped literature, allow me to say in all earnestness that this one is a MUST-READ for all the beaten-down Grad-Students out there. Yes, I’m talking to you my beloved clients. Read this snarky account of how we’ve all been duped into hating ourselves because years ago some mediocre asshole carved out a niche and elected to defend it like a junkyard dog. Sure, it amounts to little beyond some narcissistic sour grapes in the final analysis…but at least read it to feel a little bit better about your current predicament. It’s been discounted!     

Editor’s retroactive notes:

The Book in question is Bruce Bawer’s “The Victim’s Revolution: The Rise of Identity Politics and the Closing of the Liberal Mind”. I….er…..solemnly promise less academic bashing in this summer’s syndicate.

Goodbyes Section

With half of the field eliminated, we’ve eight teams to bid farewell to. Placing is determined, as always, based on points first, goal differential second, and overall goals scored third.

The AFC being the more predictable of two tournaments currently in progress, you’ll notice that we’ve lost absolutely nothing other than Dead Weight. Your friendly bookie didn’t bother to expend too much effort on any of these squads in his Odds Primer. With the caveat of Korea DPR, none of these sides were even projected to advance out of their group

Accordingly, I won’t overextend myself here. Let’s blow through this paper-thin stack of lightweights.

 16th Place—Palestine 

Praise Allah. It’s FINALLY over. I couldn’t take it anymore. Of course they finished dead last. That’s what we all expected, even if we hoped against hope that the sun wouldn’t set.

It’s common for one to carry messianic hopes when rooting for Semitic peoples from the fertile Promised Land. The sun must always set on such quixotic hopes and dreams. The sun must always set…unless one lives above the Arctic Circle. Hmmm…perhaps it’s time to move there. Seriously. Ridiculous messianic hopes in First Century Palestine led to one of my least favorite religions. Two thousand years later I can’t pick up the newspaper and read about the Palestinian subjugation without feeling ashamed to be human.

Let’s all high tail it to Northern Finland.

Finland, Finland, Finland. The country where I quite want to be.

Thanks for the memories, “Knights of Canaan”…and for the unavoidable does of cynicism as well. At least we got to see Slovenian International Jaka Inbeisheh score that goal!

Other than that, your friendly bookie pretty much summed it up earlier.

 From AFC 2015—Round Two:

 16) Palestine 

Not a single armchair analyst was surprised to see the “Martyrs” flop with such a resounding thud. The political aspirations of a displaced people know working on their fourth generation of offspring makes for a compelling narrative, albeit one that doesn’t exactly transfer well to activities on the football pitch. Such is life in a vast, empty, and godless universe.

 15th Place—Kuwait 

Here’s a team we can all easily forget. They came. They saw. They floundered. The only memorable moment they produced concerned…er…well….don’t believe there was one. Your friendly bookie wrote all of four paragraphs on them. Further inspiration was lacing, as they did absolutely nothing.

Gentlemen, the 2015 AFC Asian Cup!

 14th Place—Korea DPR 

Enormous mistake backing these rubes. One’s mind cannot help but aimlessly wander back to the 2010 World Cup, during which the “Chollima” at least had the decency to bring a few mildly intriguing storylines along with them. This group brought two goals, neither of which was memorable.

We’ll catch back up with them….how about never. Is never good for you? It’s good for me.

 13th Place—Qatar 

Yawn. At this point Ann Coulter has more ideas floating around in her mostly empty skull than I do. What to write about the “Maroon Records”, apart from the fact I absolutely do not want to go to their country for the 2022 “Christmas WM”?


Football fans everywhere implore you, FIFA!

 12th Place—Oman 

They couldn’t even make it interesting with only their pride to play for! I had high hopes for the Red Warriors, particularly after they fought hard and nearly achieved a draw against the South Koreans in the Canberra match. Interest withered after the Socceroos blanked them 4-0 and disappeared forever when the only noteworthy occurrence of the Kuwaiti match came courtesy of a preening pigeon on the sidelines.

Christ are some of these teams bad. Spending an afternoon staring despondently at a picture of your ex-girlfriend beats watching some of the Gulf States Amateurs desperately trying not to score own goals. Good riddance.

 11th Place—Bahrain 

Thank heavens the knockout stages are finally here. Bahrain turned out to be the footballing equivalent of the planet of “NowWhat”. (See Douglas Adams’s “Mostly Harmless”) John Okwunwanne and a bunch of Boghogs. Just under five thousand spectators watched their lifeless and even outright cloying finale in Sydney. Forty eight hundred people. Minor League Ice Hockey teams in the U.S. struggle to put up such pathetic attendance.

To make matters worse, 4,800 poor forlorn souls lost 90 valuable minutes of their lives that they’ll never be able to regain. The arrow of time only moves forward.

That’s it. I insist that the Asian Cup must be scaled back to an eight-team tournament. We can’t allow this to go any further.


No wonder the Bahrainis flocked to Pearl Square. They didn’t want to watch this football team!!

 10th Place—Saudi Arabia 

Somewhat surprised to see the Green Falcons fumble away their date with destiny. Were it not for a soft penalty, they might not have even contested the White Wolves at all. Romanian trainer Aurelian Olarou simply made all of the wrong moves with his three late substitutions. His Uzbek counterpart not only made six changes to his starting eleven, he also kept Vokhid Shodiev in reserve until his laterally minded team was ready for a speedy substitute.

That’s why we’ll shortly be discussing the White Wolves, gentlemen. Quality coaching. The three-time Asian Cup Champions, two-time Asian Cup runners up, and one time Confederations Cup runners up are finished once again. Poor management once again denies the Saudis a chance at reclaiming their past glory. It’s just a different world. Doubtful this side will ever rise again.

 9th Place—Jordan 

Now here’s something that will actually be missed. Hamza al-Dardour retains the lead in the race for the Golden Boot thanks to his dazzling four-goal match against the Palestinians. This tournament perilously needed its very own James Rodriguez. And the young gun came through for all of us. He was a real treat to watch. His sliding finish for the first goal reminded one why we label this game “the beautiful one”. His third goal came at the end of a sparkling thirty-yard run. Good stuff. Great sports.

THAT is how a lower-ranked team should conduct itself on a grand stage. Al-Dardour nevertheless scored four of five goals for “The Chivalrous”. The Jordanians didn’t even tally in their other two group stage matches. Hope to see Dardour at least land a Championship contract next year. The country still had to go. 

Ah yes. Feels good to be rid of all that Dead Weight, no?

Let’s rock some lines.


South Korea vs. Uzbekistan

 South Korea vs. 

This bookie owes the “White Wolves” a most sincere apology. Head trainer Mirjalol Qosimov didn’t earn his reputation as “The Uzbek Ottmar Hitzfeld” by accident. Thus far, the Sage from Tashkent has rolled out three unique formations featuring nearly all of his 23 players. He demonstrated remarkable courage by making five changes to his staring eleven for the crucial “do-or-die” match against the Saudis. He even had the Cajones to sit his captain and give the stripes to his second-in-command.

To an untrained eye like mine, the Uzbeks are nothing more than an incomprehensible jumble of unfamiliar players with last names all ending in the syllabic “ov”. Sure they made the Semis back in 2011, but the Socceroos thrashed that Cinderella side 6-0 and the Taeguks easily dispatched them in the Third Place Match. Shows you how much I know.

Qosimov will have a plan against the Red Devils of Asia. He’ll likely re-enlist Shorakmedov and Turnsonov, but keep Sergeev, Djeparov, and Shodiev in his back pocket should he need a late spark. That, at least, is what a bookie frantically trying to give himself a crash course in Uzbek football THINKS the plan may be.

On the other half of the pitch, the Taeguks get back Cha Du-Ri from injury, yet lose Kim Chang-Soo to suspension. Hoffenheim’s Kim Jin-Su will have to step in at left fullback. The Koreans have deployed three separate lead strikers in all of their group stage matches, but probably have the winning formula after the narrow Kuwaiti win and the Aussie upset. Lee Jung-Hyup should back up Lee Keun-Ho. Captain Ki-Sung Yeung works best in an anchoring midfield role, just as he does at Swansea.

The Taeguks have momentum along with the all-important X-Factor known as confidence. Jung-Hyup scores a late one. Myung-Joo quickly follows suit. 

Projected Lineups:

 “The Taeguk Warriors”—(4-2-3-1) 

                 Lee Keun-Ho
   Lee Jung-Hyup   Song Heung-Min
                 Ki Sung-Yeung
     Lee Myung-Joo Park Joo-Ho
K. Kinsu K. Young-Gwon K. Tae Hwi C. Du-Ri
                 Kim Jin-Hyeon

 “The White Wolves”—(4-4-2) 

       Bahodir Nasimov   Sardor Rashidov
    Jasor Hasanov           Sanzhor Turnsonov
         Odil Ahmedov   Azizbek Haydarov   
     Vitaly Denisov         A. Shorakhmedov
       Anzur Ismailov    S. Mullajanov
                   Ignatiy Nesterov

THE LINE: South Korea +2 Goals

Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)

Over/Under—3 Goals
120 Minutes—Straight Up
Penalty Shootout—Straight Up

China PR vs. Australia

 China vs. Australia

Congratulations are in order for the Dragons, who reach their first Asian Cup Knockout Round since they went all the way to the Final on home soil back in 2004. The Reds captured maximum points from their three group stage matches, mostly thanks to three goals from Jiangsu Sainty flanker Sun Ke.

He’ll figure prominently in the match to come, challenging the potentially vulnerable Aziz Behich on the wing. Either he’ll succeed, or this one will get ugly quick The Commies are likely to utilize a five man defensive front. It’s the only hope they have of countering an exceptionally rare TRUE 4-3-3 that Ange Postecoglou has been carefully cultivating over the course of the past week.

With first place in the group on the line against the Koreans, Postecoglou shockingly sat Mathew Leckie, Robbie Kruse, AND Timmy Cahill. Why? Because tournament football is notoriously rough. He didn’t want his preferred three-prong attack to log too many minutes. He needed them for this match, even if it meant ceding a softer Quarterfinal opponent.

The trident should be out in full force before a capacity crowd in Brisbane. A high line is in order, gentlemen. Bet on a miracle if you wish.  

Projected Lineups

 “Team Dragon”—(5-4-1) 

                       Gao Lin
    Yu Hai     Hao Junmin   Sun Ke      
                      Zheng Zhi
   Jiang Zhipeng            Zhang Chengdong
         Wu Xi  Zhang Linpeng Li Ang
                    Wang Dalei

 “The Socceroos”—(4-3-3) 

 Max Kruse    Timmy Cahill    Mathew Leckie
         Matt McKay       Massimo Luongo      
                       Mark Milligan
   Aziz Behich                   Ivan Franjic
           M. Spiranovic  T. Sainsbury  
                      Mathew Ryan

THE LINE: Australia + 3 Goals

Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)

Over/Under—5 Goals
120 Minutes—2 to 1
Penalty Shootout—3 to 1


Iran vs. Iraq

 Iran vs. 

Alright everyone. We’re going to war. Get your boots on. No puny little Persian Gulf six-week offensive here. We’re talking eight protracted years of stalemate involving gruesome chemical weapons, proxy support with lingering devastating consequences, and over one million combined civilian and soldier casualties.

It was the Middle East’s answer to World War I. Though the conflict claimed far fewer innocent souls, one should factor in the two American-led Gulf Wars that followed, the irreconcilable Sunni-Shia divide, and the pretty much everything involving ISIL, the Pesh Merga, and all the other nauseating stuff you read about in the newspaper every day. It all began here…..and it hasn’t really relented.

Your bookie is obligated to remind you that a handful of completely uninvolved people will die as a result of this match, irrespective of the match’s result. Somewhere in Northern Iraq, an ISIS haven will take umbrage whichever Shiite-controlled country wins. If that doesn’t happen, celebratory gunfire will stray someone. If that doesn’t happen, an Iranian woman trying to watch the match will get stoned to death. If that doesn’t happen….I grow tired of this.

The Middle Eastern Powder Keg may not be a laughing matter, but one has to do something. Before us sits an excellent football match that all of us enthusiasts are really looking forward to seeing. That doesn’t change the fact that people are going to die.

Hell’s bells. Let’s get through this tactical discussion. Quieroz has started Azmoun alone up front for the past two matches. I think he’s skillfully keeping “Gooch” up his sleeve. After Reza’s late-winner against the U.A.E., the Charlton Athletic striker should get the nod, with Hajsafi, Shojaei, and Dejageh backing him up. Khorso Heydari may not have the legs to compete in midfield anymore, but he makes for a fine fullback. Nekounam is still the man.

Very little inventiveness on display when it comes to the Iraqi lineup. Mahmoud always occupies the lone attacking perch. Yasin and Kalaf back him up. Far too predictable.   Justin Meram is forced to stand in for the suspended Alaa Abdul-Zahra. Bad news all around.

Persians win.

Projected Lineups:

 “The Princes of Persia”—(4-2-3-1) 

                   Reza Goochannejhad
   Ehsan Hajsafi   M. Shojaei    Ashkan Dejageh         
           A. Teymourian   J. Nekounam
   Mehrdad Pooladi               Khosro Heydari            
            M. Pouraliganji   Jalal Hosseini
                       Alireza Haghighi

 “The Lions of Mesopotamia”—(4-2-3-1) 

                  Younis Mahmoud
   Ahmed Yasin             Amjad Kalaf              
                     Justin Meram
           Yaser Kasim   Saad Abdul-Amir            
  D. Ismail S. Shaker  A. Ibrahim W. Salem
                       Jalal Hasan

THE LINE: Iran +1 Goal

Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)

Over/Under—3 Goals
120 Minutes—Straight Up
Penalty Shootout—Straight Up

Japan vs. U.A.E.

 Japan vs.  

Hard to envision in which direction Aguirre will head this time. He’s harder to read than Klaus Kinski portraying Aguirre. A Bundesliga Front Five actually seems plausible. Okazaki flanked by Inui and Kagawa. Hasebe backed up by Endo and Honda. As ludicrous as it may sound, Honda could do some good work stashed away in defensive midfield.

Zayed’s Sons are dangerous. The “Abdulrahman Axis” can present serious problems for Morishinge and Yoshida.

Eh…I’m afraid it’s still a total mismatch. Decapitate them, Blue Samurai.

Projected Lineups:

 “The Blue Samurai”—(4-3-3) 

                    Shinji Okazaki
         Takashi Inui        Shinji Kagawa              
                    Makoto Hasebe
         Yasuhito Endo  Keisuke Honda           
Y. Nagatomo M. Morishige M. Yoshida G. Sakai
                    Eiji Kawashima

 “Zayed’s Sons”—(4-1-4-1) 

                              Ahmed Khalil
 M. Abdulrahman  Ali Mabkhout   O. Abdulrahman             
                             Khamis Ismaael
                             A. Abdulrahman 
Majed Hassan Mohanad Salem H. Al-Kamadi A. Sanqour
                                Majed Naser

THE LINE: Japan +2 Goals

Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)

Over/Under—3 Goals
120 Minutes—Straight Up
Penalty Shootout—2 to 1