Friday, June 14, 2013

2013--State of the Syndicate Address

Greetings Syndicate Brethren,
CC 2013

Another year has passed under the ephemeral auspices of perception. By this I mean that the rigors of day-to-day life have unfairly and unjustly convinced us that we shouldn’t even bother striving to maintain contact with individuals that suddenly appear to be of tangential importance. Such an attitude is perfectly normal. Why invest either time or effort in endeavors that don’t produce immediate gratification? After all, don’t we live in a society that revolves around “presentation” and “short-lived impressions”?

We do indeed live in such a society. All of us are complicit to a certain extent. At the same, all of us are innocent. The rigorous pace of daily life leaves us with all too little time to think about reaching out to others. It’s already enough that we have to worry about our work, our families, and which colleague is preparing to climb over our backs to achieve promotion. Why should anyone bother thinking about life on a more global scale? The answer to this rhetorical question is: “Don’t think anymore than you have to. Keep it local. Keep it simple, stupid.”

 A few eccentric (not to mention patently unsuccessful individuals) have difficulty following this wise and pragmatic advice. One of them happens to be your friendly bookie. He loves hearing from you too much ; ) Eleven years, two thousand pages, and unquantifiable man-hours in, he just can’t seem to get enough. It’s Summer once again. That means we need to have a Syndicate. No quixotic dreams of riches or grandeur here. We must have a Syndicate!

First we’ll address what amounts to the “elephant (s) in the room”.  A Hobby-Writing Website remains an unattainable goal. Who needs a cozy niche to express oneself when one can simply go on Facebook and post how one’s feeling, what one wishes to eat, and how much one’s day sucks. It’s understandable. Who wants to come home from a brutally tiring shift eager to craft narratives? It’ll never work. Certain promised works (“500 Shades of Euro Trash”, “2012 Election Mailbag”, “Syndicate Upgrade”) simply get lost in the shuffle. ;(

Hardworking individuals should never be faulted for not having enough energy left at the end of the day. It’s only all too sad that such individuals only have just enough muster left to do nothing other than gossip and gripe. Shadow Scholar Syndicate remains open to anyone looking for a more a more constructive and creative outlet ; )

This Summer’s offerings don’t exactly qualify as “stellar”. The Conderations Cup is merely a “Dry-run” for next Summer’s World Championship. It’s a chance to test out a few venues along with some underpaid security staff. The Women’s European Championship (Fraueneuropamesitershaft) constitutes a “gourmet” offering for especially rabbi football fans. Still, they provide us all with a convenient excuse to get together ;)

Combining the two tournaments affords us a chance to keep in touch. Others may tire of you. Not this bookie. He loves you. He looks forward to sending you a “Schwag Pack” : )

Alles aus Liebe,
