Tuesday, May 26, 2015

FWM 2015--Embrace of the Syndicate

Servus Syndicate Members,

FWM 2015
Welcome to the Syndicate’s 21st Chapter. The title of this chapter may refer to the imperishable love I feel for all of you…or it may be a tawdry pun on a soft-core porn movie starring Alyssa Milano ; )  Decide for yourself.

At any rate, your friendly bookie stands ready to deliver hugs to any Syndicate Member who needs one : ) We’re all one, big, happy dysfunctional family. Who requires a hug?

It occurs to me that we should offer a rudimentary review of the betting terms before we get rolling. You’d be surprised how twelve months manages to atrophy the mind. Even the most senior Syndicate Members routinely forget how it works. This year I’d like to begin with a simple refresher of how the odds based betting works. Let’s shake the rust off:

Vicey’s Fearless Group Prediction (3 to 1 Odds for bookie)

1) Canada 
2) Netherlands 
3) New Zealand 
4) China PR 

Here we have a “Group Prediction”, identical to the one that’s about to drop in a couple of hours. You can only bet AGAINST the bookie in this instance. If the Group finishes exactly as the bookie has predicted, you owe him three times your wager. Should it finish in any other permutation, he owes you your base wager. For example, should you bet $10 against, the bookie will owe you $10 UNLESS the four teams finish PRECISELY as he predicted. Should they finish precisely as he predicted, you owe him $30.

Onwards to the next example.

Overall Championship Odds

 Canada (Straight Up)
 Netherlands  (3 to 1)
 New Zealand (4 to 1)
 China PR (12 to 1)

Should you bet $10 on Canada winning (and they do), you’re entitled to $10.

Should you bet $10 on the Netherlands winning, you’re entitled to $30.

Should you bet $10 on New Zealand winning, you’re entitled to $40.

Should you bet $10 on China PR winning, you’re entitled to $120.

Should the side not win, you owe the bookie $10.

The same logic applies to the other Round wagers.

Semifinal Odds

 Canada (Straight Up)
 Netherlands (Straight Up)
 New Zealand (Straight Up)
 China PR (5 to 1)

Should you bet $10 on Canada attaining (and they do), you’re entitled to $10.

Should you bet $10 on the Netherlands attaining, you’re entitled to $10.

Should you bet $10 on New Zealand attaining, you’re entitled to $10.

Should you bet $10 on China PR attaining, you’re entitled to $50.

Should the side not attain, you owe the bookie $10.

Moving on, we’re still more than a week away from the line bets, but we’ll get everyone limbered up.

Deutschland vs. Italy 


The Line: Deutschland +3 Goals

The Favorite (Germany) is favored to win by 3 goals. If you bet on Italy, there are three ways you can win the bet:

1) Italy loses by less than 3 goals.

2) Match is a draw

3) Italy wins

Conversely, there is only one way to win if you bet on Germany

1) Germany wins by more than 3 goals

Should Germany win by precisely 3 goals, THE BET IS A WASH. THE BET IS A TIE. NO ONE OWES ANYONE ANYTHING


1) Your Bookie takes bets on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Your bookie reserves the right to refuse picks if either the line has moved or too much money has already come in one side. Get your wagers in early. If you snooze you lose. Or, as the Germans put it, “Ein Nickerchen bedeutet kein Fickerchen”

2) Speaking of conflict of interest, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN HELL YOU'LL GET ME TO BET AGAINST GERMANY!! Don't even try. This would be analogous to a black man casting a vote for David Duke.

3) Payouts come at the end of the tournament. ALL BETTORS ALSO GET A SCHWAG PACK! Trust your bookie, if only because he can't risk having the lid blown off this shadowy operation.

4) Your friendly bookie reserves the right to roll lines. Absolute deadlines for submission will be set one hour prior to kickoff.

Alles Klar?

Let the fun commence!