Servus Syndicate Members,
Given that the bookie’s proclivities toward baroque introductory paragraphs occasionally leave some hopping mad with the annual rules review, we’ll dispense with the verbosity here and cut straight to the chase.
Plenty of rambling in the re-release and introductory address.
Welcome to the Summer of “Syndicate: Shadow-Heart” Let’s review the rules. Pay attention, gentlemen. It’s simple Gambling 101. We’re not locating the Higgs Boson.
1) Onset Group Odds
In the coming days, I’ll release the “Onset Betting Odds” for all 24 teams in six separate “Group Preview Sections”. Copa America and AFCON Lines will come in single tournament preview sections.
Here’s how they work:
Vicey’s Fearless Group Prediction (3 to 1 Odds for bookie)
Here we have a “Group Prediction”. You can only bet AGAINST the bookie in this instance. If the Group finishes exactly as the bookie has predicted, you owe him three times your wager.
Should it finish in any other permutation, he owes you your base wager. For example, should you bet $10 against, the bookie will owe you $10 UNLESS the four teams finish PRECISELY as he predicted.
Should they finish precisely as he predicted, you owe him $30.
2) Onset Round Odds
Overall Championship Odds
Should you bet $10 on Germany winning (and they do) …you’re entitled to $10.
Should you bet $10 on the Portugal winning (and they do) …you’re entitled to $10.
Should you bet $10 on the USA winning (and they do) …you’re entitled to $80.
Should you bet $10 on the Ghana winning (and they do) …you’re entitled to $100.
Should the side not win, you owe the bookie $10.
The same logic applies to the other Round wagers.
Semifinal Odds
Should you bet $10 on Germany attaining (and they do) …you’re entitled to $10.
Should you bet $10 on Portugal attaining (and they do) …you’re entitled to $10.
Should you bet $10 on the USA attaining (and they do) …you’re entitled to $30.
Should you bet $10 on the Ghana attaining (and they do) …you’re entitled to $50.
Should the side not attain, you owe the bookie $10.
3) Line Bets
These commence once the actual matches begin.
Deutschland vs. USA

The Line: Deutschland +3 Goals
The Favorite (Germany) is favored to win by 3 goals. If you bet on the USA, there are three ways you can win the bet:
1) USA loses by less than 3 goals.
2) Match is a draw
3) USA wins
Conversely, there is only one way to win if you bet on Germany
1) Germany wins by more than 3 goals
Should Germany win by precisely 3 goals, THE BET IS A WASH. THE BET IS A TIE. NO ONE OWES ANYONE ANYTHING.
1) As always, the bookie reserves the right to roll the line should too much money come in on one side. Rest assured, however, that your friendly AND fastidious bookie makes note of ALL electronic time-stamps and wagers will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
2) Speaking of conflict of interest, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN HELL YOU'LL GET ME TO BET AGAINST GERMANY!! Don't even try. This would be analogous to a black man casting a vote for David Duke.
3) Payouts come at the end of the tournament. All bettors also get a Schwag Pack. Trust your bookie, if only because he can't risk having the lid blown off this shadowy operation.
4) Absolute deadlines for submission will be set one hour prior to kickoff.
4) Prop Bets
We’ll encounter these during the knockouts. No need to delve into these as only the hardcore boys usually partake. As a reminder, your friendly bookie remains amenable to those offered by the predatory creative contingent.
Alles klar? Then you’re ready to play. Postpone the “World-Weary-Worrying”…for a bit and let’s watch some football.