Grüße Syndicate Members,

The coverage too has proven a pleasant surprise. It’s well scored, called, and scrutinized. Had someone told me a week ago that American play-by-play announcers and female color commentators could properly enrich the experience of watching the beautiful game, I would have smacked you upside the head and called up Martin Tyler sobbing. Somehow it works. The calls have been spot on.
Even the studio crews are surprisingly ungodawful. We could
all do without the emergency panel discussions every time Hope Solo sneezes,
but otherwise Arianna Hingst and Heather Mitts hold their own. I’m even
unperturbed by Eric Wynalda’s sardonic smirk or Alexi Lalas’s gratuitous desk
pounding ; )
Perhaps I’m having too much fun…or making too much money. ;
Caustic quips about broadcasters or highly illegal sports
gambling aside, we all know that our month long football festival truly
revolves around re-establishing the faded bonds of friendship. It’s been my
great privilege to have phoned with nearly a third of you. A somewhat stringent
work schedule means I’ve not yet had the pleasure of reaching out to everyone
yet, but we’re only just getting started ; )
To those whom haven’t been touched just yet, rest assured that we’ll exchange riffs and reunite just as we always have. We’ll have our Mailbag Section, our Rambling Section, and those treasured long conversations during which we catch up on the events of the past year.
To those whom haven’t been touched just yet, rest assured that we’ll exchange riffs and reunite just as we always have. We’ll have our Mailbag Section, our Rambling Section, and those treasured long conversations during which we catch up on the events of the past year.
Nothing stands in the way of our Syndicate. Your friendly
bookie holds a special place in his heart for each and every last one of you. ;
) Football will unite us all as usual. There’s no better Global Conduit than
the Global Game. Let the games continue. Fantastic tournament thus far.
My Updated Stats:
Spread: 8-4
Straight Up: 9-2-1
Not bad, eh gentlemen? Many of you are down a couple of
bills thanks to some of the best line setting this bookie’s done in years. Fret
not. It’s all coming back to you in the form of some thoughtful Schwag. Your
friendly bookie remains eccentric and demented like that.
Speaking of quality handicapping, let’s get on with it.
Time to rank the countries.
The Cote d’Ivoire fans didn’t allow the result to damper their enthusiasm, but one still feels for the frustrated six players who picked up yellows and the eight others who really should have after dangerously ugly tackles.
A solid win for my nation means very little going forward. Stronger competition awaits.
Longtime Syndicate members know that we always “draw it up”
for your friendly bookie’s “Vaterland”. We analyze lineups and assign grades.
Grades are disseminated American Style as this was the country in which I was
predominantly educated. Before getting to that, let’s remind everyone just how
ruthlessly brutal we Germans can be in terms of football
Who dares question my Kraut Pride?
Let’s draw it up, beginning with my projected lineup from
the Group B Preview:
Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Simone Laudhehr
Lena Lotzen
Dzenisfer Marozsan
Lena Goeßling Melanie
Babett Peter S. Bartusiak A. Krahn Bianca Schmidt
Nadine Angerer
Here’s how Sunday’s Lineup looked to me:
Mittag Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Alexandra Popp
Simone Laudehr
Lena Gößling Melanie Leupholz
Leonie Maier
Saksia Bartusiak Annike
Nadine Angerer
Note that I’m not quite ready to drop Celia Okoyino da
Mbabi’s maiden name just yet. ; ) Her heritage remains too important to me.
Also note that I only called the positioning of the centerbacks correctly. I
honestly didn’t see Mittag getting the nod in a warm-up match.
Additionally, I was very surprised to see Maier and Kemme get the nod as the fullbacks. Kemme in particular happens to be one of those totally unexpected young risers that often pop up out of nowhere. That’s what happens in strong footballing nations with strong youth squads.
Additionally, I was very surprised to see Maier and Kemme get the nod as the fullbacks. Kemme in particular happens to be one of those totally unexpected young risers that often pop up out of nowhere. That’s what happens in strong footballing nations with strong youth squads.
Maroszan and Lotzen neither started nor were they
substituted. Interesting. I thought for sure that Lotzen had to be the natural
replacement for Keßler. Did not foresee Gößling in the starting eleven. Neid’s
deep Kader affords her many options. Forecasting might as well be rendered
purely moot speculation.
Let’s dole out the grades.
Celia Sasic
Anje Mittag
Sara Däbritz
Tabea Kemme
Leonie Maier
Simone Laudehr
Lena Gößling
Lena Peterman
Alexandra Popp
Melanie Behringer
Melanie Leupholz
Saskia Bartusiak
Annike Krahn
Nadine Angerer
Potential injuries to Laudehr, Popp, and Leupholz will be
monitored closely. The sheer depth of this team, however, means that no one
should have to cause to worry.
After the embarrassing implosion during the 2014 World Cup—they finished dead last in the event you don’t recall—they narrowly avoided being labeled the absolute worst team in the 2015 African Cup of Nations. Your friendly bookie grows tired of writing negative news about this country’s national team.”
Well then. How does one spell redemption? Evidently it’s
Learn that name. Get used to hearing it. Forget Eric Maxim
Chupo Moting, Alex Song, and Samuel Eto’o. Les Indomitables have a new hero. A
star is born.
I love being proven wrong. Let’s lift some more quotes from
that section.
“There simply isn't enough offensive pop to this side”
“One cannot see where the goals will come from.”
Good Lord. Happy birthday, girl. To hell with Anje Mittag
and Celia Sasic. This virtuoso grabbed her own hat trick of goals AND assists.
Okay. To be fair, I’m actually counting the penalties she
drew as “assists”. That’s one way to fudge the data. Presumably there would be
more excitement surrounding this side if three of the six goals scored in the
romp hadn’t come from the spot.
The overachieving side did manage to get talismanic center forward Madeline Ngonon Mani rolling with an early goal, but Enganamoit’s fancy footwork set that one up. It wasn’t so much a team effort as a dazzling “One Woman Show”.
The overachieving side did manage to get talismanic center forward Madeline Ngonon Mani rolling with an early goal, but Enganamoit’s fancy footwork set that one up. It wasn’t so much a team effort as a dazzling “One Woman Show”.
How far can our newly anointed heroine hope to carry the
world’s 52nd ranked country? Eh…not much further in my estimation.
It might all come crashing down immediately. The clock might strike midnight as
soon as Friday. It would be very surprising indeed to see them in the top ten
come Monday.
Afro-philes such as myself would do well to invest all of
their hopes and aspirations in the “Super Falcons” of Nigeria.
Oh well. Those obsessed with the Dark Continent salute our
Nubian Queen. One more time!!
In addition, this bookmaker didn't quite see as much as he might have expected from Ims, Minde, Wold, and Mjelde. The botched penalty in particular left me skeptical. Haavi, Thornses, and Skammelsrud-Lund didn’t provide much off the bench, in spite of their spirited running.
All of that shouldn’t serve to diminish in any way the
virtuosic performance of the “beauties of Thor”. Hegeberg hammered home with
all the authority of a true Thunder God. Rønning’s set piece skill and
Hervlosen’s ice-cold finishing supplied us with some sublime highlights.
Respect for Haavi and Rønning dates back to 2011, when your
friendly bookie wrote the following:
FWM 2011—Round Two:
Isn’t the mandatory braided hair of the Norwegian women
the most adorable coordinated exercise you’ve ever seen? Awwww…such precious
little sweeties; an entire team fit for a “Swiss Miss” Cocoa Box. One envisions
a harem of Nordic Blondes barely able to suppress their girlish giggles as they
braid each other’s silky hair in the locker room. Did this team have a cameo in
Monty Python’s “Search for the Holy Grail”?
Beyond stereotyping, Haavi, Stensland, Rønning and
Gardsjord have this team playing at least as soulfully as “Jan Gabarek plays
with a bunch of moaning Pakistanis”. We’re not quite on “Jan Gabarek plays with
the Hilliard Ensemble” level yet, but we’ll get there. A few more kinks remain:
more fluid passing, more precise finishing, and better communication. I predict
they playing with all the majesty of their interwoven locks before the end of
Round 3. Plenty more to come from this squad. Stay tuned.”
Manager Even Pellerud would do well to start “elf-girl”
Emile Haavi against the Germans. He might also do well to rest Solveig
Gulbrandsen and give Graham Hansen the start in midfield. Icelandic convert Maria
Thorisdottir might merit a look too after Wold’s languid performance. Pellerud
has something to prove to me. He's been consistently bad in selecting his lineups and choosing her substitutions.
An especially talented Kader leaves me very afraid….though
not as afraid as I was one week ago. Ada Hegerberg still scares me. I can see
her slicing and dicing through Bartusiak and Krahn.
Brilliant performances turned in by budding stars Lieke
Martens, Danielle van de Donk, Mandy van der Berg, Manon Melis, and Sherida
Spitse. Now some people other than your friendly bookie know who they are! How
do you like my “Flying Dutchwomen”, gentlemen? You’ve still more to meet.
Annouk Dekker and Dyanne Bito will almost certainly get some more playing time
before this is all over.
I had the pleasure of meeting someone new too. I awaited
Vivianne Miedema’s debut with the most enthusiastic expectations. Entering the
tournament, she was my biggest question mark. Would she shine in her
international debut? Would we behold another Rooney, Messi, or Neymar as we did
in 2004, 206, and 2013 respectively? Not quite yet, but the girl had her
moments. A few flashes of clever inventiveness lead me to believe that we’re
not witnessing another Walcott in any case.
She looks perfect as the center-forward of that lethal
4-3-3. We can only hope that injury isn’t serious.

Impeccable speed. Opulent flair. Inexhaustible passion. Salute your Delta Queens! What a sizzling match, perhaps the best team performance this football enthusiast has seen all year. That’s how football is supposed to be played.
Who's ready to rock the midnight-green “Super Falcons” Jersey? It will make a fine compliment to the “Super Eagles” triot many syndicate members already own. Full speed ahead with Edwin Okun and the girls!!
I repeatedly warned any and all doubters that this team came
to play. Don’t let the socreline fool you. The Super Falcons DOMINATED the
Swedes from start to finish. Oshoala, Ordega, Oparanozie, and Okobi didn’t
downshift for a split second. I’ve honestly never seen a four-pronged attack
fly for 90 minutes in fifth gear. Might as well dub this quartet of ladies the
“O-Ordnance”. They fired fast and furious, never even showing the slightest
sign of running out of steam. Okun drops to his knees to praise Allah every
time they bulge the back of the net.
He’s much to be grateful for. We many very well be
witnessing the advent of a “Golden Generation”. Oshoala, Ordega, Oparanazoie,
and Okobi are all only twenty-one years of age! Oshoala already plays for
Liverpool Ladies. Ordega has experience in the Swedish League and just signed
for a stateside squad. Oparanozie hones her skills in France.
Much can made of the fact that Okon didn’t employ a single
substitution. What? Isn’t that taboo in tournament football? How can these
ladies expect to sustain such prowess?. Won’t they tire out? Not necessarily.
Okun has plenty of other options at his disposal. He has a trio of other young
forwards in Courtney Dike, Loveth Ayila, and Esther Sunday. Pompey Prodigy
Iniabasi Umotong remains another option. If need be, Perpetua Nkwocha can come
off the bench late for one last moment of magic.
The depth of attackers on this squad is ridiculous. They
could conceivably take the entire tournament. No, I’M NOT KIDDING. Consider
yourselves warned, Stateside Bettors. You’ve got a date with the hottest team
on the planet in Round Three.

Another reason Rapinoe deserves to retain the credit for the
opening goal involves her scintillating tally in the second 45. Good God that
was a radiant piece of skill. She carried the ball for a solid thirty yards,
patiently drawing the defense before finishing clinically. Resplendent! Have I
mentioned how I love your captain? Of course I have! Glorious brace, Talisman.
Er…let me know if you’re ever willing to give men another shot. Just let me
Let’s draw it up, brothers. Here’s the projected lineup from
the Group D Preview:
Abby Wambach
Megan Rapinoe
Heather O’Reilly Alex Morgan
Morgan Brian Carli
K. O’Hara C. Rampone B.
Sauerbrunn A. Krieger
Hope Solo
Here’s the actual lineup (as it looked to me):
Wambach Sydney Leroux
Meghan Rapinoe
Christian Press
Carli Lloyd Lauren
Meghan Klingenberg Ali
Julie Johnston Becky
Hope Solo
Leroux’s start wasn’t really all that surprising. Wasn’t
surprised to see Christian Press either. Alex Morgan’s lingering injury
problems left her the clear choice. I suppose I wasn’t surprised to see Julie
Johnston in place of Christine Rampone either. Always best to go with youth.
Klingenberg in place of O’Hara was a curious move.
Switching Lloyd over to the left side is perfectly explainable. Love the choice of Leroux up front with Wambach. Maybe it didn’t work out so well this time, but might yet reap dividends. Heather O’Reilly’s comments on artificial turf cost her a place. That’s the way I see it, anyway.
Switching Lloyd over to the left side is perfectly explainable. Love the choice of Leroux up front with Wambach. Maybe it didn’t work out so well this time, but might yet reap dividends. Heather O’Reilly’s comments on artificial turf cost her a place. That’s the way I see it, anyway.
Time for the grades. Morgan Brian doesn’t get one. She came
on far too late.
Meghan Rapinoe
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Becky Sauerbrunn
Alex Morgan
Abby Wambach
Julie Johnston
Sydney Leroux
Christian Press
Meghan Klingenberg
Hope Solo
Lauren Holiday
Carli Lloyd
Why such harsh marks for Christian Press? She took far too
long to figure out her positioning. Lauren Holiday and Carli Lloyd earn
similarly rigid evaluations for the same reason. Julie Johnston’s grades are a
bit inflated for her totally unexpected moves. Morgan and Heath did well…for
substitutes. They might have been graded worse had they not been fresh-legged.
All in all, a decent debut for “Sam’s Angels”. A 2015
Championship remains a strong possibility.

Eugenie Le Sommer has a very nice chest…and she uses that chest to control driven through balls. The opening sentence screams for puerile attempts at a double entendre, but your friendly bookie is dead serious. She finished with a brilliance that Oliver Giroud could barely hope to emulate. What an astute move it was to place her upfront alongside Thiney.
The “tenacious tandem” produced a goal in a match that weather conditions and medieval rivalries would keep slow and physical. Henry and Hourara performed well too. Necib’s talent for set pieces was also on display.
It’s hard not to like what one saw. Your friendly bookie,
admittedly enraptured with his “Froggy Fawns”, fearlessly declared that “Les
Bleaus” exhibited no discernable weaknesses. Not a damn thing that transpired
on the rainy Moncton Pitch served to dispute that opinion. Way to nail it, ma
cherie. Thomis and Abily can read each other’s minds. Henry’s ambition mirrors
that of Bolleau.
This team will go deep….though not as deep as I’d like to…..
Damned if these French Girlies don’t consistently find a way
to put me in the mood ; )
Oh my girl didn’t disappoint. Go my little “Roving Fullback”, Go. She owns the entire pitch! If we could genetically engineer a Franken-Child combining the DNA of Phillip Lahm and Ali Riley we could manufacture the most exciting footballer ever.
So what’s the deal Vicey? Why such arduous passion for a
team still seeking their first win on the grand stage? Furthermore, wasn’t the
second 45 of that Netherlands match so mind-bogglingly boring that virtually
every Syndicate Member switched off the tele and called it a day? To begin
with, I disagree that the second half was that poor. It had its moments.
Perhaps a day that began with one of the most thrilling UEFA Champions League Finals ever left everyone a bit spoiled or “footballed out”. The speed, clever lateral play, and deft combinations of this team will wow everyone at some point in this tournament. Mark my words.
Perhaps a day that began with one of the most thrilling UEFA Champions League Finals ever left everyone a bit spoiled or “footballed out”. The speed, clever lateral play, and deft combinations of this team will wow everyone at some point in this tournament. Mark my words.
Erceg had an “off day”. She’s entitled to one of those.
Stott looked uncomfortable at the back and didn’t appear to know her place on
the set pieces. Hearn and Bowen didn’t get nearly enough touches. Riley took
entirely to long to shake it into high gear. None of this leaves me ready to
jettison my belief in their ultimate success. They WILL capture their first
three points and WILL get out of this group.
The at times languid opening match couldn’t fairly be
described as turgid. For me, it all amounts to a spot of early adversity.
Nothing more. Enough bright spots endure. Problems will be addressed and
they’ll return stronger.

The Samba Queens met the line and they did so cleanly. We’ll call Formiga’s penalty in the 53rd clean. Even if Taeguk Nanja had legitimate calls for penalties of their own, it was a deserved penalty. Fabianna had legitimate cause for grievance in the opening minutes too. We haven’t sufficient time to debate the nuance of a match that was surprisingly sloppy and unexpectedly gritty.
Something’s wrong. Trust your friendly bookie on this one. Something’s off. I detect Eddys in the fabric. There appear to be some disturbances in the wash. A dimensional rift tugs at the multi-verse.
This version of A Selecao fails to inspire. The
much-discussed overhaul at the back didn’t play poorly. They simply took to long
to decide how to generate useful upfield balls. The ideas weren’t there. The
requisite creative improvisation never manifested itself. Marta doesn’t look
anywhere near the player she was four years ago. The hustle and heart persist,
but the elegant aptitude for tricks and flicks were nowhere to be found.
Something’s wrong. Formiga did well to latch on to that
loose ball, but one cannot rely on consistent performance from a 37-year-old in
a physically demanding tournament. Something is not right. Something is quite
wrong. Cristiane seems off too. Are they too old?
Fabianna and Andressa have much to show us yet. That’s the
main reason our Female Canaries aren’t ranked lower has everything to do with
their potential.
Something is still wrong. Too many players are tanking. A
“Ronaldinho-like” form-dip haunts me. We’ll let them slide this time, but they
should remain very afraid of Boquete.
Let’s talk positives. Sophie Schmidt looked comfortable
deployed up front alongside Sinclair. Julien’s absence no longer appears cause
for concern. The attack sports depth. Tremendous hustle from rookies Kadeisha
Buchanan and Ashley Lawrence. The two 19-year-olds weren’t even close to
registering on this oddsmaker’s radar pre-tournament. The centerback and
central midfielder poured forward with excellent fervor. Always a treat to
witness such splendid play from the young and hungry. These two are far from
finished. Something tells me we’ll be talking about them more as the
competition progresses.
Herdman has some tinkering to do in order to piece together
a more fluid offensive assault. Perhaps he’ll move the rapacious Lawrence over
to the wing. Buchanan might as well trade places with Allyssa Chapman. Plenty
of veteran options off the bench. Matheson, Wilkinson, Zurrer, and Gayle can
all serve as “Super Subs”. We don’t necessarily wish to give the “Canuck
Chicks” a full mulligan, but some understanding of the pressure involved in
leading off as the hosts is in order. Get over those butterflies quickly,
girls. All of the teams in your group still have decent prospects.

Caitlin Foord may have been overmatched at times, but she held her own against the superior Ali Krieger. The “Outback Ovaries” may have been deflated by the World’s #2, but that doesn’t mean that Kerr & Co are anywhere near to being confused with quitters.
Stagnant movement in the back can be overcome. Uzunlar can
rectify that with a simple team meeting. With all due respect to my incredibly
talented “Super Falcons”, it won’t be easy for them to outpace the centerbacks
come Friday.
Simon and Barbieri peak at the right time. Kennedy and
Polkinghorne have a great deal to show you yet. Call it “blind faith” if you
must. They might yet escape the “Group of Death”
Not an impressive debut at all from the suspect Swedes, whom
your friendly bookie early on labeled a team flirting with the possibility of a
flop. An own goal and two “Crowd Finishes” that the goalscorers knew very
little about. Those goals were so ugly that Schelin didn’t even bother
gathering the gals for her “Pagan Fertility Circle Dance”. In the preview
section I wrote that Pia had her work cut out for her.
Sometimes I truly hate being right. ; ( It proved sad to watch Schelin struggle to keep up with the run of play. Lumbering and languid performances from Caroline Seger and Lisa Dahlkvist were wince inducing.
Sometimes I truly hate being right. ; ( It proved sad to watch Schelin struggle to keep up with the run of play. Lumbering and languid performances from Caroline Seger and Lisa Dahlkvist were wince inducing.
Kosovare Asslani needs to step up her lateral play if this
team is to retain any hope of an implosion. Sjögran just doesn’t have it
anymore. Unfortunately, Assllani played completely M.I.A. Sundhage yanked her
before the restart. I might have pulled her earlier. Terrible work from the
back four improved only slightly with the substitutions of Sembrandt and
Illestadt. Yikes.
Sundhage doesn’t have great options going forward. Charlotte
Rohlin remains the only established name she has sitting on the bank. The
Blaugults are hampered by their over-reliance on an inflexible-looking 4-4-2
that doesn’t look like it can run on replacement parts.
We may be in store for a meltdown of French proportions if
they can’t hold their own against the Yanks.
* Sigh * It seems like I’m always telling the English to
reach deep into their fathomless, sub-aqueous talent pool. It’s limitless! Why
is that so fucking hard to understand?!?
Fine. You can keep Lucy Bronze….just like you can keep Roy
Hodgson. Keep Claire Rafferty too! I have no more shits to give. Start Casey
Stoney for all I care.
Sabotage yourselves once again! It’s no skin off my dick. Go
ahead and do yourselves in! Just get it over with already ; (

I fail to understand why Mana Iwabuchi wasn’t at least used
as a substitute. For that matter, why not introduce Asuna Tanaka? Your friendly
bookie flounders at every last attempt to comprehend the logic behind Asian
Teams. Yelling at the South Koreans has become something of a pastime:
That’s but a paltry “sneak preview” of how your friendly
bookie thinks!!
It’s nevertheless very much worth noting how much this team
has improved from the 2013 incarnation we observed in the Women’s Euro. Veronica
Boquete lived up to all the hype. Our Galician Girl didn’t even flirt with
disappointing us. She’s downright ferocious in support of Hermoso in that
anchoring role. What a fool I was to project her starting as lead striker.
The respect she commands on the pitch enables her to draw as many as three defenders at a time. That, in turn, nearly allowed her to set up Hermoso, Pablos, and Bermudez in the game’s final third. She conducts the entire orchestra. She’s the skewer in the shish kabob. She’s EPIC!. Can’t wait to see what she does against Marta!
The respect she commands on the pitch enables her to draw as many as three defenders at a time. That, in turn, nearly allowed her to set up Hermoso, Pablos, and Bermudez in the game’s final third. She conducts the entire orchestra. She’s the skewer in the shish kabob. She’s EPIC!. Can’t wait to see what she does against Marta!
Other Chicas fully deserving props include goal-scorer
Victoria Losada and Alexia Putellas. Losada was clinical in her work off the
short corner. That’s the way it’s done gentlemen. Lure the defense in with the
expectation of a cross, and then finish with emphatic flair. Though Putellas’s
name wasn’t called very often, her deft touches were very easy on the eyes.
No real reason for the scorching senoritas to feel ashamed
of only earning a single point from their opening fixture. The Road gets a
great more difficult now, though. Pretty passing won’t be enough this time, girl. You’ll have to find the back of the net!
Yorelli Rincon switchfooted with all of the dexterous
expertise that we predicted. Dare her to move. Seriously. Watch her rise to the
challenge. It proved impossible to stop watching her sublime skill. The
maturity of this team is progressing nicely. Rincon went full throttle for 90
minutes. Usme, Montoya, and Andrade manufactured their own chances.
They found their rhythm in spite of a preponderance of first half whistles. They equalized in spite of some shady refereeing. We may not have heard much from Ospina and Ariza, but their persistent defending spoke volumes.
They found their rhythm in spite of a preponderance of first half whistles. They equalized in spite of some shady refereeing. We may not have heard much from Ospina and Ariza, but their persistent defending spoke volumes.
I now know that Las Cafeteras are partial to a 4-2-3-1 that
takes advantage of my original choice for the Columbian Talisman: Catalina
Usme. Gaitan and C. Arias show undeniable potential on the right side of the
pitch. If only they were poised to face off against a team with a weak left
Time to call the tournament. Time of Death: Saturday vs.
Put aside your “Asian fantasies” for a moment. The play of
this team was far too choppy to engender any hope. I know you loved the shots
of all the pretty Korean girls in the stands! I know you loved the perfectly
sculpted thighs of Shim Seo-Yun! You’re simply going to have to let it go. The
manner in which they hotfooted to win every 50-50 doesn’t mean you’ve got
yourself a hot date anytime soon.
As always, the Koreans play with great passion and speed.
The lineup still doesn’t match up. Sorry, gentlemen. ; ( ; (
Marvelous touches from Venegas to bring it down. Even more magical was her awareness of Lixy Rodriguez on the edge of the danger area. Lixy provided us with even better. A sharp cross to Raquel Rodriguez and we were level.
That moment of magic left us all feeling, if only for a
brief moment, that we were witnessing a replication of last summer’s “Costa
Rican Cinderella Chronicle”. Reality had other plans in mind. The defensive
line wilted as the game wore on.
They were lucky to escape with the draw, having gifted the Spaniards so many blatant looks at goal. This Costa Rican side features many names that will become more familiar over the next few years. Their ability to thread the needle with that equalizer is only a taste of their potential.
They were lucky to escape with the draw, having gifted the Spaniards so many blatant looks at goal. This Costa Rican side features many names that will become more familiar over the next few years. Their ability to thread the needle with that equalizer is only a taste of their potential.
It’s still too soon to fall in love with a Dark Horse,
gentlemen. I know that “American Pharaoh Fever” leaves you tempted, but this
team has too many kinks to work out before they shock the world. It a’int
happenin. Not yet. Not for these girls. Give them time to complete a few
modules at the “School of Hard Knocks”.
To illustrate just how difficult it is to handicap the potential of one of these mysterious Asian teams, Wang Shanshan was listed as a central
defender on all of the websites I scouted. How in the hell was I supposed to
know that she would spearhead the attack? Improved knowledge of this eleven
won’t be exponential by any means. My observations barely scratch the surface.
Don’t expect this armchair analyst to crack the code.
I can prattle on about how impressed I was by Wang Lisi’s
powerful curled long-range effort, but I’m still unsure of what pitch position
she officially occupies. I liked Han Peng’s effort in relief, but I couldn’t
make heads or tails of the formational shift after the restart. The only
position player I know for a fact will hold her position is keeper Wang Fei.
She’s awesome! Can’t wait to see her start for Turbine Potsdam.
It could have been a lot worse. Just ask the Ivorians. ; (
It wasn’t a complete nightmare. Kanjana Sung-Ngoen and Silawan Intamee nearly
combined early on after a fine run and professionally serviced cross. I really
enjoyed watching Warunee Phetwiset’s work up the right flank. How about that
brave keeping from Waraporn Boonsing? Orathai Srimanee produced a quality
effort as well.
Not a disastrous debut by any stretch of the imagination Good job, gals. Now it gets easier. “Red”, “Yellow”, “urban”, “rural”, “Royal”, and Commie are all proud of you. You remain a team for all affiliations.
Not a disastrous debut by any stretch of the imagination Good job, gals. Now it gets easier. “Red”, “Yellow”, “urban”, “rural”, “Royal”, and Commie are all proud of you. You remain a team for all affiliations.
I’ve touched on the subject of how there isn’t really such a
thing as “bad exposure” when it comes to these minnow teams. Their mere
presence will work wonders for the domestic program. From my perspective, I’m
excited to learn more about players I hitherto had never heard of. Nice to meet
Phetwiset, Intamee, Srimanne, Boonsing, and Sritala.
Wir begrüßen euch!
La Tri maintains little hope of recovering from this one. Not nearly good enough.
A stolid effort to challenge for loose balls must be
maintained. A lack of determined hustle will be punished. El Tri have a paltry
few days to rectify this deficiency. It won’t be easy for team that only made
two late substitutions. Leonardo Cuellar showed too much faith in his original
eleven. Though they may be talented girls, they’ve now logged too many minutes
to properly accept the right motivation.
Santiago looks suspect too. Does anyone have Miguel
Herrera’s cell phone number?
One could say that the Schweizer deserved a draw, insofar as it’s possible to have empathy for “La Nati”. Syndicate fiends will have to dig deep to locate an example of their friendly bookie holding his Southern neighbors in high regard. ; )
It dates all the way back to 2004 and drunken night spent in
Basel spent asking a bunch of Swiss bar patrons whether or not they liked the
“Basel Young Boys” ; ) Fun stuff. Good times. Good times.
I’ve been able to gain some understanding of the “Schweiz
System” after finally seeing the women’s team in action. Crnogorcevic serves as
neither the “Super Sub” no the “Six-Spot Sweeper”. She’s the left wing back,
primarily tasked with watching Bachmann’s forward runs like a hawk. She has no
direct compliment on the opposite flank. Fabianna Humm and Eseosa Aigbogun took
turns deputizing as stringers for Lara Dickenmann, herself not much of a
lateral threat.
The attack thus appears fairly one-dimensional. It’s
difficult to see this side fooling the other two teams in this group. Assuming
La Tri and Les Indomitables do their homework and find the right player to
mimic Bachmann on the training pitch, the Swiss should be easily dispatched. It
remains “tournament football” however. Factors such as fatigue and insufficient
preparation time might still allow these girls to slip through.
Wälti and Abbe also look to be fairly well organized at the
back. If they can close ranks in a disciplined fashion, just about anything is
La Tri have enough depth to ride out the absence of their
red-carded leader. They now face the Swiss, a side practically begging to be
exploited on set pieces. Arauz should be able to cobble together a promising
strategy, provided it doesn’t involve the modified 4-4-2 that obviously put too
much pressure on Quinteros. Torres should move up, Quinteros back.
Your friendly bookie stands ready to forecast an unexpected
turnaround. His opinion of the Swiss team just so happens to be THAT low. Our
first “Upset Special” may be found below.
This incredible country also happens to be our reigning
“Syndicate Champions”. They won our last chapter, a scant four months ago:
Your friendly bookie has enormous respect for Ivorian keeper
Dominique Thiamale. Christ did that poor girl take a beating on that harsh
pitch. What a courageous performance. She gave up every inch of her body.
Speedy forwards Binta Diakite and Ange N’Guessan also intrigue me. Fatou
Coulibaly had a nightmare day, but she seems to possess some talent for
technical tackling.
Play and party on girls. Can’t wait to see you in Round Two!
China PR vs. The Netherlands
Yes, yes. We’re all very proud of the “Steel Roses” and
their steel resolve. I’m impressed by their drive and strength. Sadly, I’m even
more impressed by the impulse and thrust demonstrated by the upstart Dutch. The
Lionesses are on the cusp of a breakthrough. The pride stand just about ready
to hit their stride.
You have your line, gentlemen. I’ll predict a consolation
goal from Li Ying after Martens, Dekker, and Miedema tally.
LINE: Netherlands +2 Goals
Canada vs. New Zealand
Can’t do it. Can’t trust these Canuck Chicks. They were
simply too tentative in their opening fixture. Despite Herdman’s slew of
options, all of the lineup permutations I’ve worked with still don’t add up to
a guaranteed connection. I can’t see his eleven crisscrossing with fluid
gravitas. Your friendly bookie doesn’t own a crystal ball. He still foresees
one of those “Whoa, Canada” headlines rolling off the presses come Friday
If you have faith, feel free to bet against.
LINE: Pick em’
Deutschland vs. Norway
Tough match ahead against the “Fjordmesiters”. The ability
of Hegerberg to lace balls placed yards in front of her precludes me from gently falling
into well-deserved sleep. Krahn and Bartusiak aren’t clicking in the manner that
I’ve hoped.
Lack of chemistry between the centerbacks can cause serious problems. Just ask Jens Lehmann. Wanchope split the German defense twice in that historic 4-2 match against Costa Rica that opened the 2006 World Cup. I still have nightmares about those goals.
Lack of chemistry between the centerbacks can cause serious problems. Just ask Jens Lehmann. Wanchope split the German defense twice in that historic 4-2 match against Costa Rica that opened the 2006 World Cup. I still have nightmares about those goals.
Okay, okay. Your friendly bookie may be guilty of over-thinking
matters. That’s something of a specialty of his ; ) Nevertheless, the Norwegian
4-3-3 renders me unable to set a high line. Sorry, gentlemen. You’re lucky I’m
not setting a “pick".
I believe that my Nationalmannschaft maintains enough momentum to win. The prospect of facing the Grasshoppers later on in the Knockout Stages still honestly scares the shit out of me.
I believe that my Nationalmannschaft maintains enough momentum to win. The prospect of facing the Grasshoppers later on in the Knockout Stages still honestly scares the shit out of me.
The Norwegians posses enough talent to eliminate my Mädels.
Let that be noted.
LINE: Die Nationalmannschaft +1 Goal
Cote d’Ivoire vs. Thailand
Discount African sides at your own peril. You rubes made
your friendly bookie untold sums of money by laughing away my prediction of a
Sweden vs. Nigeria draw. Moreover, virtually all of you foolishly bid on the
high Ecuadorian Line. Admittedly, I couldn’t have foreseen that 6-0
shellacking, but I knew it would be closer. ; ) : )
I drift off tangent. My basic point is that Les Elephants
can absolutely hope to compete with the War Elephants. We’ll supply a
translation for the un-initiated: Cote d’Ivoire and Thailand will play a tight
match. The 10-0 thumping by the Germans means absolutely nothing.
Who will win the “Elephant Encounter”? No one, according to
your friendly bookie. The Lineups match up even. If you’re feeling frisky, bet
on the Ivorians to ride the African Wave.
LINE: Pick em’
Switzerland vs. Ecuador
Two losers square off. It’s up to you to decide whether or
not you friendly bookie elects to play the bluff. Ramona Bachmann may have
looked good, but I’m prepared to invest in Monica Quinteros. Vasquez, Palacios,
and Zambrano will play better too. These ladies of El Tri may have prematurely
quit against “Les Indomitables”, but they won’t quit here.
Is your friendly bookie an arrogant asshole on par with Eric
Wynalda? It’s up to you. Eric Wynalda speaks fluent German, by the way, so I
guess he’s cool ; )
LINE: Ecuador +1 Goal
Japan vs. Cameroon
Toughest line I’ve yet had to set. We’ll still have to back
the Japs. A 6-0 win doesn’t count against the talent of Mana Iwabuchi. She will
start…and she will grab a brace. Doubt my logic if you care to doubt Caroline
Bauer, Leslie Osborne, and Heather Mitts. The Cinderella Story ends….right
about NOW!
We might yet see an upset….just as I must set the line.
LINE: Japan +1 Goal
Australia vs. Nigeria
In stark contrast to the line above, I’ll augur that the
Super Falcons march on in grand fashion. The Aussies posses enough strength in
central midfield to stagnate matters for a little while, but one of Okon’s
seemingly infinite array of superstrikers has to break through eventually.
Wouldn’t it be fun to take prop bets on which one of the
“O-Ordnance” it will be?
I’ll take Oparanzoie for the brace at 2-1. Wagers accepted
through halftime.
LINE: Nigeria +2 Goals
USA vs. Sweden
Before scoffing at this line, consider that a 4-0 victory for
the States isn’t all that farfetched. The yanks should have Morgan back fully
fit. Lloyd and Holiday will play better. Press appears to have worked through
whatever left her dazed and confused during the first half of the Australian
match. Heath looked great in relief. O’Hara or Rodriguez can also provide a
spark should the girls get off to a sluggish start.
Take advantage of this line, brothers. The Swedes are in
more of a precarious position than many realize. Sjörgan is done. Dahlkvist and
Seger are backpedaling. A few skilled give-and-goes gets you past a weak
midfield, where you’ll encounter a crumbling backline of Nilsson, Fischer, and
Berglund or Thunebro. There are so many cracks in that foundation. An early
goal just might collapse the whole structure.
Sunhage’s Swedes are on the ropes. They buck and sway.
Finish them
LINE: USA +3 Goals
Brazil vs. Spain
Were we scrolling down, gentlemen? A rhetorical question. Of
course you were. I’ll be so kind as to reiterate my feelings on the Brazilians:
wrong. Trust your friendly bookie on this one. Something’s off. I detect Eddys
in the fabric. There appear to be some disturbances in the wash. A dimensional
rift tugs at the multi-verse.”
No need to scroll back up. All you really need to know is
that I’m hitting my patented button.
LINE: Spain +1 Goal
South Korea vs. Costa Rica
Indulge in your Asian fantasies, gentlemen. It’s the last
chance for your future wives to shine. You can dream of Cho So-Hyun scoring
that 92nd minute winner. Daydream about her hugging her sweaty
sisters while you intimately imagine a “Shower Scene”. Build your “Castles in
the Sky”.
This bookie picks a draw. Live with it.
LINE: Pick em’
France vs. Columbia
Too much talent. Las Cafeteras will be made to look like
ladies working in “Las Cafeteria”. Thiney, Necib, and Thiney again. It just
won’t work.
LINE: France +2 Goals
England vs. Mexico
Ellen White will once again shine bright for England. Goal
line technology won’t save El Tri from a deep Kader. I’m sure of that, just as
I’m sure of my increasing love for Arianna Hingst. White scores a brace.
LINE: England +2 Goals