Greetings Brothers,

An American Holiday looms. Your friendly bookie has always been quick to wish his Yank Bettors a “Happy Independence Day”. Comb back through the texts and you’ll find a post that begins with that very phrase every year. Thirteen years is a long time, gentlemen. On this particular 4th of July, I’ll either be congratulating America or setting lines on a Third Place Match. We’ll find out soon enough. Get ready.
For now you should know that an overly-descriptive evening
belongs to you. Here are your riffs:
I’m confused, Vicey. Which team features Jonathan Brandis playing soccer in

Okay. Now
we’re REALLY all going to hell!
Was that really Queen Elizabeth II introducing Kate Abdo on “Women’s World Cup
Vicey: I
can’t rightly say. No need for me to purport to know what the Queen actually
looks like these days. Like most guys, when it comes to news about the British
Royals, I’m far more interested in Pippa Middleton’s ass and Kate’s tits. I can
identify those quite readily. You’re asking me to confirm the wrong
information! What the hell is
wrong with you?
America already defeated the Krauts twice. This shouldn’t be a problem.
Nice try, 37-M. You haven’t beaten us in a meaningful football match…ever. I
don’t give a good goddamn about guys with a spiked helmets fighting for their
Kaiser. That was nearly a century ago. You don’t get to use that one anymore.
Red, White, and Blue. We’ll piss on you.
You just brought a knife to a Gun Fight. You’ll piss on me? Go ahead. You’re
more than welcome to eat some asparagus and piss on me. “Germans know how to
shit on someone.” Check out our fetish porn. Number Two trumps Number One when
it comes to insults. Number One trumps Number Two when it comes to football. I
Hey Peter Weis. Just like Patton and the American forces were able to eventually
drive Rommel and ze Germans out of North Africa in WWII, the USWNT will do the
same to your precious Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen come Tuesday
Interesting attempt to learn some German on the fly. If you think the word
“Fußballnationalmannschaft” is ridiculously long, check out the CORRECT
translation of Germany’s Women’s National football team.
“Die Frauen-Fußball-Nationalmannschaft”.
Let’s take a look at it without the hyphens.
out there a couple of trains just collided. ; )
the plan to puncture the “soft underbelly” of Europe failed. Eisenhower saved
your ass. Don’t get cocky.
God loves America. He blesses America.
Jesus told me to tell you that you’re a fucking moron. That’s just what he
said. I’m only relaying the message. Don’t shoot the messenger!
It’s OUR turn, Vicey! You already have a World Championship!
That’s true….that’s….dammit….that’s true. Okay, okay. You cut to the core,
17-M. Nevertheless, your women have two World Championships and my women have
two. We’ve no choice but to call it even. Löw and the boys might be the
reigning World Champions, but that has nothing to do with my Mädels!
Hey…don’t downplay that [USA 2- Germany 1] victory too much. Within 5 days we
beat ze Germans and Dutch on their home pitches. They might have just been
friendlies, but those matches go a long way in building confidence and
chemistry in a team.
And with the Gold Cup coming up they have to be feeling very good about their chances. Bravo to the U.S. Men’s Squad. Hopefully that energy will transfer over to the women’s squad. Did you read the article the Matilda’s put up on their official site after their loss to the Yanks? So Salty.
And with the Gold Cup coming up they have to be feeling very good about their chances. Bravo to the U.S. Men’s Squad. Hopefully that energy will transfer over to the women’s squad. Did you read the article the Matilda’s put up on their official site after their loss to the Yanks? So Salty.
Syndicate Member 128-M makes some salient points in a well-written paragraph
that he had no business taking the time to write. Klinsi and Löw hugged! It was
nothing! He doesn’t truly deserve this “Counter-riff”, but I’m going to sock it
to him anyway.
“Are you
employed, Mr. Lebowski??!?!”
Lauren Sesselman reminds me of Bunny.
What is it with you guys and your persistent need to force me to make a
Lebowski Reference? Dammit!
“I hope
that one day my wife will learn to live on her allowance…which is ample!!”
Carli Lloyd really miffed the pronunciation of “Solidarity”
Easy on the girl. She had a great game. At least she didn’t shout “We get a
FUCKING goal” into the mike like Abby Wambach did.
Carli ; )
How embarrassing will it be for you when your girls lose tomorrow?
Not as embarrassing as it is for me when I have to change your diapers, 175-M.
Silence, child. Shut your fucking trap.
No one beats America.
Except for when they do. Do I really need to remind you of what happened in
2011? Pray that you won’t meet the Japs in the final. They’ll spank your
Americans write shitty books, shitty articles, and shitty songs. The only thing
worse than that is how much Germans love them.
(pissing himself with laughter)
SYNDICATE MEMBER 10-M!! He’s the fucking man! That may well be the best line in
the history of our Syndicate. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Why not promote your blog?
Why not suck my fat Aryan cock? No way. Leave me alone you useless troll! I’m
not a fucking narcissist! The world is full of ignorant children who post the
mundane details of their meaningless lives on various social media sites. Try
selling your bullshit to them.
I’m not interested. Allow me to emphasize an unanticipated advantage of the “Digital Age”: This bookie doesn’t need to render his Syndicate an “Invitation Only” affair. All he needs to do is lay low and keep it relatively quiet. The rest takes care of itself. : )
I’m not interested. Allow me to emphasize an unanticipated advantage of the “Digital Age”: This bookie doesn’t need to render his Syndicate an “Invitation Only” affair. All he needs to do is lay low and keep it relatively quiet. The rest takes care of itself. : )
Have you met Canadian forward Allysha Chapman? I mean, have you REALLY met her?
I’ve REALLY met her and I REALLY love her. Thank you, 66-M ; )
Before moving on, let’s keep everyone updated on the most absolutely fucking absurd search term that led internet trollers to this blogspot.
Gößling Feet”
WHAT?? The girl has gorgeous eyes! Who gives a shit about
her feet? Someone’s got a incurable fetish!
My Updated Stats:
Spread: 21-27
Straight Up: 32-11-5
Goodbyes Section:

An instant classic! A pulsating thriller! All 28 girls on the pitch went full throttle with every last ounce of their hearts and souls. Breathtaking end-to-end action from start to finish.
Acrobatic crosses and touches. Brilliant combinations. Intrepid tackles. “Platinum Level” quality of play. You’ll not see a better 120 minutes of football for a very long time indeed. Louisa Necib played the game of her life. Wendie Renard rockstarred it with her moves. Claire Lavogez bravely played on after taking a brutal fall to the pitch…only to end up in tears after her unlucky miss in the dramatic penalty shootout.
: ( ; (
Amazing stuff, gentlemen. I implore you not to erase that
game from your DVR anytime soon! It should occupy a special place in your
Digital Library for years to come. One can only hope it’s not too late. ; (
A legitimate question, posed by both Syndicate Members and
scores of others, reads,
“Why in the hell was this Masterpiece merely a
I hear you. How wholly unfair! The World’s #1 and the
World’s #2 had no business meeting one another at such an early stage. This
absolutely should have been either a Semi-Final or a Final!! The answer to that
question, unsurprisingly, is that FIFA fucked up. The normal seeding rules that
ordinarily govern the Group Draw weren’t employed.
As a result, the left side of the bracket contains all of the world’s strongest teams whilst the right side of the bracket borders on creampuff. This is the same reason the U.S. and Germany are pitted against one another in the Semis instead of the Final. When asked, FIFA cited the need to attract enough fan support to sell out the venues.
As a result, the left side of the bracket contains all of the world’s strongest teams whilst the right side of the bracket borders on creampuff. This is the same reason the U.S. and Germany are pitted against one another in the Semis instead of the Final. When asked, FIFA cited the need to attract enough fan support to sell out the venues.
There you have it. This first 24-team Women’s World Cup is
rigged. Spare some sympathy for ze French….and for Claire Lavogez ; ( ; (

Your friendly bookie’s lineup projection might have been far wide of the mark, but he still managed to set a fair line. The Canucks were lucky to make it as far as they did. This team always looked, disturbingly enough, like a version of Schalke ’04 during the Kuranyi Era. Not enough explosive pop, ladies. Not nearly enough.
I’m pleased to convey kudos to Kadeisha Buchanan, Sophie
Schmidt, Ashley Lawrence, and Allysha Chapman for their excellent tournament. I
also honestly wonder whether or not we’ll see this team again. If the
youngsters can’t feed off the cacophonous energy of their home supporters,
there’s little hope that they can compete in foreign qualifiers. This may prove
goodbye forever.

In contrast, Kyah Simon, Tameka Butt, Alana Kennedy, Samantha Kerr, Elise Kellond-Knight, and Caitlin Foord should all be reaching their peak come 2019.
They put on an entertaining show, but it’s never a good idea to do more than playfully flirt with Cinderella. She turns into a hag when the clock strikes midnight ; )
The Aussies never go away. Just listen to your friendly
From FWM 2011—Semi-Finals

So the
dream dies for our “lady-roos”, “Waltzing Matildas”, “outback ovaries”, blah
blah blah blah. Rest assured we’ll be back with this perennial oceanic
qualifier next time around, talking about their fierce “Never say die”
attitude, trying (and failing) to find something funny to say about the Prime
Minister, and pretending as if Yahoo Serious is a legitimate pop culture reference.
Yawn. Don’t you understand? They won’t go away! They’re always coming back!

Welcome back into the fold, “Steel Roses”. After years of
torpor the Chinese Women’s Football Program staggers out of the wilderness and
once again basks in the limelight. Superb clearance off the line from Li Donga.
Nice work from Zhao Rong as well. Wu Haiyan’s climactics and Hao Wei’s
theatrics won’t soon be forgotten either.
Earlier in this chapter I promised my Syndicate Brothers that I would find something more interesting to write about China than how insanely tall and limber Wang Fei is. We’ll fulfill that promise with some praise for Wang Shanshan, Han Peng, and Wang Lisi:
Earlier in this chapter I promised my Syndicate Brothers that I would find something more interesting to write about China than how insanely tall and limber Wang Fei is. We’ll fulfill that promise with some praise for Wang Shanshan, Han Peng, and Wang Lisi:
“Go on,
I’m afraid that’s all. Enjoy the picture. ; )
We’ll see you in four years, youthful dames.
vs. USA
Might as
well keep this tradition going.
Fatherland vs. Country of Convenience)
True Syndicate Fans know that we’ve been here twice before:
Once in the 2002 World Cup Quarterfinals and again in 2014 World Cup Group
Some explanation of the phrase “Country of Convenience” is
in order. Your friendly bookie loves BOTH of his counties. He went to High
School in the USA. He went to
college in the USA. He loves the “land of the free” and will unabashedly sing
BOTH national anthems.
The U.S. offers a higher standard of living. It’s easier to
buy a fleet of cars and lord over acres upon acres of property in what Europeans
once referred to as the “New World” than it is in Europe. The “Old Country” is
tightly packed. The German borders house one third of the U.S. Population
despite being the size of Oregon. That’s why Imperialist Europeans dubbed these
shores the “Land of Opportunity”.
Long before the Age of Social Media, brave immigrants
settled upon these shores. They weren’t a bunch of imbecilic narcissists hoping
to make it in Hollywood. They simply wanted space to farm, live, and breed in.
America offers space. There’s nothing more important to a
man who, like most men, prefers to be mostly left alone. It’s an illustriously
spacious country, but that’s no excuse for denying my heritage.
Here’s what your friendly bookie had to say (and re-post)
last summer:
From WM 2014: Round Four
vs. USA

Fatherland vs. Country of Convenience)
Give it up, America. Fun and games are over. For all
those of you who insist on pressing me to root for the States…….sorry. My name
is Vicey. I’m the last in a long line of Vice Males to live on this German Straße. My great-grandfather, grandfather, and father called this very house home.
There will be no continuation of “The Line of Vice”. I am
the last one. Even, if by some inexplicable miracle, a girl convinces me to
breed; the kids can have her last name.
I live where they lived. I drink what they drank. I eat
what they ate. I root for the same country that they do. Period. The only thing
precluding me from setting a higher line is that I know you’ll eat this one up.
Good luck, Gentlemen. You’re really going to need it this time. This match
won’t even be close.
Stop getting your hopes up. Welcome back to the “K.O.
Phase”. You won’t get there over our backs.
Podolski, Hummels, and Lahm.
You’re dead.
LINE: Mannschaft +1 Goal
Have we been here before?
Oh yes. ; ) ; ) The Glorious Fatherland and the Country
of Convenience met in a hotly-contested Quarterfinal Clash back at the “dawn”
of the Syndicate. It was legendary in Syndicate Lore!!
Germany vs. USA
Nothing special about this match. Ho hum. Just two
ordinary Nation-Sates squaring off on a routine Saturday night. I’m told that
these countries have people living within their borders and that these people
in turn speak domestic languages. I seem to be remiss in any endeavor to write
something further. Thanks to the Marshall Plan, these two are essentially the
same country anyway. Yawn. I discern no reason why I should expend any energy
in picking one or the other.
Wait for it……
Wait for it……
Wait for it……
The fuck is wrong with you? Not interested in any of the
other matches?
Wait for it…..
You know my cat did something peculiar the other day. He
climbed in an open 40-pound bag of kitty liter and took a shit. I’d be happy to
spin more yarns about my pet’s digestive eccentricities. All you have to do is
ask. J
Wait for it….
The Phillies have a decent team this year. I think this
will be the year that Brandon Duckworth kid breaks out. Ricky Ledee also looks
Wait for it….
Wait for it…
I know that everyone’s anxious to hear my views on the
revised EU Common Agricultural Policy. The French turnip quotas are especially
Wait for it…
Coverage of this game will begin at 3:30 a.m. Central
Daylight Time. Before committing yourself to this appointment, all of those of
you in the States should seriously consider the competing programming offered
simultaneously by our other fine broadcast outlets. For example, at least
twelve separate stations will be selling various trinkets, 9/11 coins,
Commemorative NASCAR plates, Girls gone Wild DVDs and Diana dolls. For those of
you after the elusive washboard abs, a number of quality infomercials will
enlighten you as to how can obtain them by sitting on your fat ass and hooking
pulsating massagers up to your beer gut.
“Nick at Nite” will feature some episodes from the third season of “Coach” (undoubtedly the strongest season) and the second season of “Major Dad” (also undeniably the peak of this short lived gift from the heavens). Are you prepared to miss that? Tuning into this match means you’ll have to postpone your 423rd viewing of “Conan the Destroyer”, 241st viewing of “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome”, your 875th viewing of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, your 13,983rd viewing of “Halloween III: Season of the Witch” AND your 345,678thth viewing of the 45th Scooby Doo Episode (It’s a good one. Old Man Smith turns out to be the Swamp Monster. Did not see that one coming).
“Nick at Nite” will feature some episodes from the third season of “Coach” (undoubtedly the strongest season) and the second season of “Major Dad” (also undeniably the peak of this short lived gift from the heavens). Are you prepared to miss that? Tuning into this match means you’ll have to postpone your 423rd viewing of “Conan the Destroyer”, 241st viewing of “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome”, your 875th viewing of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, your 13,983rd viewing of “Halloween III: Season of the Witch” AND your 345,678thth viewing of the 45th Scooby Doo Episode (It’s a good one. Old Man Smith turns out to be the Swamp Monster. Did not see that one coming).
If you fail to switch over to the History Channel, you
run the risk of not knowing something about Hitler’s favorite Tuesday afternoon
vegetarian meal! Next time you’re out at the bar and your mates start talking
about the spellbinding information conveyed during C-Span 2’s academic panel
discussion on Southeastern Appellate Court Jurisdictional Reach in Property
Claims Cases 1871-1875, you’ll be left out of the conversation!
You’ll never know the incredibly riveting true resolution to the Turner Child Custody Case of 1987, because you weren’t watching “He took her Baby and She wanted It Back” on the Lifetime Movie Network! How will you live with yourself without knowing when precisely Jesus will show up? “Sometime in the near future after the checks are cashed” or “Very soon indeed after you give me more money”. YOU WON’T KNOW. YOU WON’T KNOW!!
You’ll never know the incredibly riveting true resolution to the Turner Child Custody Case of 1987, because you weren’t watching “He took her Baby and She wanted It Back” on the Lifetime Movie Network! How will you live with yourself without knowing when precisely Jesus will show up? “Sometime in the near future after the checks are cashed” or “Very soon indeed after you give me more money”. YOU WON’T KNOW. YOU WON’T KNOW!!
Alright, Sweetie. Hope you enjoyed that. I’m going to go
ahead and copulate now. Time for the Money Shot!
VATERLAND vs. Country of Convenience
Achhhh Ja. Whew. Glad I got that off my chest….and onto
yours. Sorry for all the pussyfooting around, but I surely couldn’t just give
you such an important pick without a bit of foreplay. Pre-mature delegation
affects bookies of all ages and this momentous match is no fat chick.
retroactive notes:
to my legal team, I must now issue a sincere apology to all Women of Girth
(WOGs) for all of the pain inflicted by my proclivity towards instinctively
mean and callously insensitive shock humor during my youth. I myself possess no
genuine malice towards women of the more rotund persuasion. In fact…er…some of
my best friends are fat chicks. Look, the bottom line is I’ve honestly loved
more chubby chicas than the amount of any readers of this combined. Leave me
the fuck alone and stop taking it personally. Dry your tears and put down that
pint of Haagen-Dazs. I said put it down! NO..NO. BAD GIRL! STOP IT!
the deal: Mein Name ist Vicey und ich bin ursprünglich und zuerst
ein aufrechter Deutscher! As much as I’d love to pretend that I agonized over
this decision, vacillating between the two countries and pacing all over the
computer lab until I was compelled to unleash a soliloquy on matters of the
conflicted soul before breaking down and starting to sob uncontrollably, it
took about 0.002313 atomic seconds after the possibly of this pairing came up
before I started having a craving for Schnitzel and Spätzle. Deutschland is
where I attended my first football match. Germany is where I started following
the sport.
The Fatherland is where I scored my first own goal (actually it was in Rome, but close enough). My dearest Americans, I find it too arduous to back a country I only recently learned has a male team. J I, like most everyone else around the globe, simply assumed you would disguise the women, teach them how to grasp their groin during free kicks and pack them off to the World Cup. We had no clue you intended to shipping some actual swinging dicks and that you would let them hang low.
The Fatherland is where I scored my first own goal (actually it was in Rome, but close enough). My dearest Americans, I find it too arduous to back a country I only recently learned has a male team. J I, like most everyone else around the globe, simply assumed you would disguise the women, teach them how to grasp their groin during free kicks and pack them off to the World Cup. We had no clue you intended to shipping some actual swinging dicks and that you would let them hang low.
dive into detail about why you might want to watch Jack van Impe anyway: We’ve
got the rising star of this tournament, a sprightly little Pollack by the name
of Miroslav Klose. So precipitous has been his rise that he might even start in
lieu of Bierhof. Fullback Christian Ziege will hassle McBride all night long,
not even allowing him to get so much as a whiff of goal.
Should he lapse, we’ve got the best keeper in the world: Karlsruhe’s own Oliver Kahn. As the Poland match demonstrated, your back four is softer than Snuggles the Fabric Softener Bear’s Junk. Agoos, Saneh and Pope are bad options. Berhalter and Mastroeni and Lhamosa. You’ll be forced to play only three defenders. We shall, prod puncture, and penetrate. Alright. Enough of the autoerotic euphemisms. Here’s your line:
Should he lapse, we’ve got the best keeper in the world: Karlsruhe’s own Oliver Kahn. As the Poland match demonstrated, your back four is softer than Snuggles the Fabric Softener Bear’s Junk. Agoos, Saneh and Pope are bad options. Berhalter and Mastroeni and Lhamosa. You’ll be forced to play only three defenders. We shall, prod puncture, and penetrate. Alright. Enough of the autoerotic euphemisms. Here’s your line:
THE LINE: Deutschland +2 Goals
retroactive notes:
Germany 1, USA 0. Arena gave Berhalter the nod and started four defenders. The
bulky backfield of Uncle Sam gave us quite a scare. This was a tense match,
about as exciting as a coffee enema. Klose started, but managed only one shot.
After Ballack scored shortly before the half, it was all America. Donovan
released three vicious strikes that pushed the limits of Kahn’s brilliance.
Claudio Reyna found John O’Brien in space, resulting in a cracker that I’m
still not certain how Kahn saved.
Of course one cannot discuss this game without mentioning the blatant takedown of Clint Mathis by Torsten Frings in the box. Yes, U.S. fans. You should have been awarded a penalty. Thus began the distinctly American tradition of griping that the officials give them no respect. Dems the breaks, Yanks. I present an alternative view: The Refs can’t SAVE a game FOR you. You were outclassed. The headline in Die Bild Zeitung the following morn read “Kahn beats America”. Nothing truer has been printed in die Bild since.
Of course one cannot discuss this game without mentioning the blatant takedown of Clint Mathis by Torsten Frings in the box. Yes, U.S. fans. You should have been awarded a penalty. Thus began the distinctly American tradition of griping that the officials give them no respect. Dems the breaks, Yanks. I present an alternative view: The Refs can’t SAVE a game FOR you. You were outclassed. The headline in Die Bild Zeitung the following morn read “Kahn beats America”. Nothing truer has been printed in die Bild since.
Time to focus on the present. Enough of this metaphysical
psycho-babble. Let’s draw it up, beginning with the “Glorius Fatherland”:

Anja Mittag Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Alexandra Popp
Simone Laudehr
Lena Gößling Melanie Leupholz
Kemme Leonie Maier
Saksia Bartusiak Annike

Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Anja Mittag
Alexandra Popp Simone
Gößling Dzenisfer Marozsan
Kemme S.Bartusiak A. Krahn L. Maier
Nadine Angerer

Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Dzensifer Marozsan
Lena Lotzen Sara Däbritz
Melanie Behringer Melanie Leupholz
Cramer B. Peter A. Krahn B. Schmidt
Nadine Angerer

Celia Okoyino da Mbabi
Popp Anje Mittag Simon Laudehr
Mealnie Leupholz Lena Gößling
Tabea Kemme Leonie Maier
Sakskia Bartusiak Annike Krahn
Nadine Angerer

Celia Sasic
Popp Anje Mittag Simone Laudehr
Melanie Leupholz Lena Gößling
Kemme Leonie Maier
Peter Annike
Nadine Angerer

Celia Sasic
Popp Anje Mittag Simone Laudehr
Melanie Leupholz
Lena Gößling
Kemme Leonie Maier
Peter Annike
Nadine Angerer
PERFECT PICK!! I know my Mädels. I also believe I can peek
into Sylvia Neid’s soul in the same way that Lena Gößling’s piercing blue eyes
break my barrier ; )
Let’s file the grades. All fourteen participants get one.

Celia Sasic
Anje Mittag
Sara Däbritz
Tabea Kemme
Leonie Maier
Simone Laudehr
Lena Gößling
Lena Peterman
Alexandra Popp
Melanie Behringer
Melanie Leupholz
Saskia Bartusiak
Annike Krahn
Nadine Angerer

Alexandra Popp
Dzsenifer Marozsan
Anja Mittag
Leonie Maier
Simone Laudehr
Tabea Kemme
Celia Sasic
Nadine Angerer
Sara Däbritz
Lena Gößling
Saskia Bartusiak
Lena Lotzen

Melanie Leupholz
Lena Peterman
Josephine Henning
Babett Peter
Dzensifer Marozsan
Melanie Behringer
Sara Däbritz
Nadine Angerer
Anje Mittag
Celia Sasic
Bianca Schmidt
Jennifer Cramer
Annike Krahn
Lena Lotzen

Nadine Angerer
Anje Mittag
Alexandra Popp
Dzensifer Marozsan
Tabea Kemme
Celia Sasic
Leonie Maier
Lena Gößling
Melanie Leupholz
Jennifer Cramer
Simone Laudehr
Annike Krahn
Saskia Batusiak

Nadine Angerer
Dzenifer Marozsan
Tabea Kemme
Celia Sasic
Melanie Behringer
Simone Laudehr
Babette Peter
Leonie Maier
Melanie Leupholz
Lena Gößling
Sara Däbritz
Alexandra Popp
Annike Krahn
Anje Mittag
Angerer saved the day. Fantastic performance from Celia
Okoyino da Mbabi (now officially referred to as “Celia Sasic.”) Babette Peter
filled in for Saskia Bartusiak with mixed results. Popp was likely hurt over
the course of the final thirty. Krahn needs to be subbed out. Mittag will at
least be fresh for the next day.
Now you get your turn, America.

Wambach Sydney Leroux
Rapinoe Christian Press
Carli Lloyd Lauren
M. Klingenberg Ali
Julie Johnston Becky
Hope Solo

Leroux Christian Press
Rapinoe Morgan Brian
Carli Lloyd Lauren
M. Klingenberg Ali
Julie Johnston Becky
Hope Solo

Wambach Alex Morgan
Tobin Heath Meghan Rapinoe
Carli Lloyd Lauren
M. Klingenberg Ali Krieger
Becky Sauerbrunn Julie Johnston
Hope Solo

Alex Morgan Abby Wambach
Tobin Heath Meghan Rapinoe
Carli Lloyd Lauren Holiday
Klingenberg Ali
Julie Johnston Becky

Sydney Leroux Alex Morgan Christian Press
Tobin Heath Morgan
Carli Lloyd
O’Hara Ali Krieger
Julie Johnston Becky
Hope Solo

Alex Morgan Amy Rodriguez
Tobin Heath Kelley
Carli Lloyd Morgan
M. Klingenberg Ali Krieger
Becky Sauerbrunn Julie Johnston
Hope Solo
Amy Rodriguez may have had trouble finishing, but she
remains a good choice. Moving Kelley O’Hara up was a brilliant move. Carli
Lloyd may have been technically paired with Morgan Brian, but she ran the
midfield all alone just as I said she could.
Solid performances turned in by Klingenberg and Krieger. Nice crossed. Sauerbrunn and Johnston moght have switched places yet again. However…..I’m not sure…..that I give a shit.
Solid performances turned in by Klingenberg and Krieger. Nice crossed. Sauerbrunn and Johnston moght have switched places yet again. However…..I’m not sure…..that I give a shit.
Let’s file some grades.

Meghan Rapinoe
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Becky Sauerbrunn
Alex Morgan
Abby Wambach
Julie Johnston
Sydney Leroux
Christian Press
Meghan Klingenberg
Hope Solo
Lauren Holiday
Carli Lloyd

Meghan Klingenberg
Julie Johnston
Becky Sauerbrunn
Carli Lloyd
Morgan Brian
Amy Rodriguez
Ali Krieger
Abby Wambach
Hope Solo
Meghan Rapinoe
Alex Morgan
Sydney Leroux
Christian Press

Abby Wambach
Alex Morgan
Meghan Rapinoe
Julie Johnston
Lauren Holiday
Hope Solo
Becky Sauerbrunn
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Shannon Boxx
Sydney Leroux
Meghan Klingenberg
Carli Lloyd

Alex Morgan
Christian Press
Tobin Heath
Morgan Brian
Julie Johnston
Becky Sauerbrunn
Carli Lloyd
Hope Solo
Meghan Rapinoe
Abby Wambach
Ali Krieger
Meghan Klingenberg
Lauren Holiday
Grades for everyone, including Abby. She may have came on in
the 86th, but she earns an “A” for her leadership skills.
“We get a FUCKING GOAL!!”

Carli Lloyd
Kelley O’Hara
Christen Press
Abby Wambach
Hope Solo
Amy Rodriguez
Ali Krieger
Alex Morgan
Julie Johnston
Morgan Brian
Tobin Heath
Heather O’Reilly
Meghan Klingenberg
Becky Sauerbrunn
Carli Lloyd and Kelley O’Hara can run that midfield without any further assistance.
Klingenberg will rebound. So will Sauerbrunn and Heath. Wambach should probably
start. That is your friendly bookie’s projection.
The France vs. Germany match should serve as a model for
what we expect out of this one, brothers. U.S. fans deserve to expect a
victory. Rapinoe and Holiday will surely benefit from the extra rest. My Mädels
are surely tired after that French slugfest.
The depth of our squad doesn’t automatically cancel out the two critical injuries to Marszan and Popp. This is an even matchup; a complete toss up. Dream big for your country.
The depth of our squad doesn’t automatically cancel out the two critical injuries to Marszan and Popp. This is an even matchup; a complete toss up. Dream big for your country.
Hope springs eternal for U.S. fans. Let’s spend a few
minutes discussing what diehard fans of the game deserve to expect. What do WE
hope for?
(1) A
Clean Game.
No dirty
tackles. No sloppy 50-50s. No diving. None of that nonsense. We want pure
unadulterated skill. That’s what we expect. So we shall receive.
No Officiating Controversies.
may be a subjective game, but I want us all to agree on any and all spot kicks
awarded. We can’t have any contentious handballs, debatable spills, or dubious
offside calls. Let the best team win. Period.
120 minutes of end-to-end action.
I’d love
to see this game go to overtime. The more close chances the better. If it comes
down to Penalty kicks it’ll be a shame. Let’s hope for a “Second Wind Burst”
from one of the squads.
Good friends and Good football.
Be in
touch, Syndicate Brothers. ; )
Onwards to the lineups. Obviously, injuries play a crucial
role. Alexandra Popp and Dzensifer Maroszan are likely out. Lauren Holiday may
be fully fit, but I don’t see her reprising her role after Kelley O’Hara’s

Alex Morgan Abby Wambach
Morgan Brian Meghan Rapinoe
Carli Lloyd Kelley O’Hara
M. Klingenberg Ali Krieger
Julie Johnston Becky
Hope Solo

Celia Sasic
Melanie Behringer Simone Laudehr
Anje Mittag
Melanie Leupolz Lena
T. Kemme S.
Bartusiak A. Krahn L. Maier
Nadine Angerer
LINE: Pick em’
Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)
Over/Under—3 Goals
120 Minutes—Straight Up
Penalty Shootout—Straight Up
vs. Japan
What’s this? We have another match, Vicey? We do indeed,
gentlemen, and it’s shaping up to be a mighty fine one. Let neither your
emotions nor your hangover get the better of you on Wednesday morning. There’s
still great football to be watched. Syndicate Members typically forswear
football entirely after their team loses. Your friendly bookie generally
requires a 24-hour-recovery-period after the Fatherland falls before he can
start thinking about the beautiful game again.
In a few short hours we’ll know which one of our countries
won’t contest for the crown of Women’s World Champions. This beaut forces us to
put differences aside quickly and start focusing back on football. Sasaki vs.
Sampson is an amateur tactician’s Wet Dream. Both coaches have proven
brilliantly sly in selecting their starting elevens throughout the tournament.
Formations and players have been exotic, varied, and intriguing. They’ve played it so close to the vest that your friendly bookie isn’t quite sure what to expect. I’ve no clue what their “all-on-the-line” starting eleven looks like.
Formations and players have been exotic, varied, and intriguing. They’ve played it so close to the vest that your friendly bookie isn’t quite sure what to expect. I’ve no clue what their “all-on-the-line” starting eleven looks like.
Below you’ll find my lineup projections and my line.
Long-time Syndicate Members know that this will constitute my last chance to
amuse myself with the unadulterated geometric joy of tactical speculation. The
final two posts are traditionally heartfelt and philosophical. ; )
It’s been great fun. ; ) Here we go one last time ; )

Toni Duggan
Karen Carney Fran
Jill Scott Jodie Taylor
Fara Williams
C. Rafferty
L. Bassett S. Houghton L. Bronze
Karen Bardlsey

Shinobu Ohno Mana Iwabuchi
Miyama Yuki Ogimi
Rumi Utsugi Mizuho
Sameshima Saori
Saki Kumagai Azusa
Ayumi Kaihori
LINE: England +1 Goal
Prop Bets (as always, feel free to offer your own)
Over/Under—3 Goals
120 Minutes—Straight Up
Penalty Shootout—Straight Up