Your “Syndicate Hangover” is proudly presented by “Perrier”
Your friendly bookie remains more of a San Pellegrino man, but we’ll accord the hosts some respect for their second-rate club soda. Along with La Croix, it’s an acceptable option when the only other alternative happens to be Seltzer Water.
Day 12: Recap
Bookie’s Stats—
Spread: 17-19
Straight up: 24-8-4
Bookie must file his daily with Brazil vs. Venezuela still to come. No, we’re not dedicating this day to Sam Kerr. She’s got some space below. It a’int Marta’s show either. She has space too. Edison Flores grabs the prize for that sick fake on the keeper. Fuck yes.
No, you’re the fuckin man kiddo.
Haven’t looked at the hosts closely since the Day One Recap. Bookie argues that the French are flailing and that the Aussies STILL can’t be considered contenders. Skip to the rolling lines if you wish.
Eugenie Le Sommer Valerie Gauvin Kadidiatou Diani
Elise Bussaglia
Amandine Henry Gaëthine Thiney
Amel Majri Marion Torrent
Wendie Renard Griedge Mblock Bathy
Sarah Bouhaddi
Eugenie Le Sommer Vivian Asseyi Delphine Cascarino
Charlotte Bilbault Gaëthine Thiney
Amandine Henry
Amel Majri Eve Perisset
Wendie Renard Griedge Mblock Bathy
Sarah Bouhaddi
Oh they’ve got real problems now. Diacre doesn’t seem to know what sort of arrangement she wants in two full thirds of the park. After I gave Thiney a glowing review for her hustle in the first match, she’s tanked hard as hell. What happened to the ideas or those spritely legs?
Nothing appears to be working. We’ve not seen much creativity from any of these midfielders. Bussaglia had no business serving as six behind a true-triplicate striking axis. There was no need for that. Le Sommer and Cascarino up top worked just fine in the first match. Whatever the hell that was against Nigeria, it wasn’t anything designed to string together passes.
Credit the Super Falcons with compact defensive work. I agree with Dennerby that his team got totally screwed. As to whether or not they put forth a heroic effort….bookie can’t get on that page. They didn’t have to put forth much of an effort at all against this. Bibault was even worse that Bussaglia in that role behind this befuddled front line….which we’ve already explained has zero reason to exist in the first place.
No one screws themselves like ze French. Life ees sheet.
Samantha Kerr
Lisa de Vanna Emily Gielnik
Chloe Logzaro Katrina Gorry
Karly Roestbakken Emily van Egmond Ellie Carpenter
Steph Catley Alana Kennedy
Lydia Williams
The shape remains the same in so far as I can tell. I’ll concede that Kerr alone in a central position works well enough, at least when one is playing Jamaica. Still no shortage of problems to discuss. We’re now on our third left back of the competition, none of whom have looked particularly convincing. A 4-1-4-1 still plugs this formation pretty easily provided you have the personnel.
Van Egmond is starting to bend badly in her central midfield role. Catley and Carpenter got split plenty of times in the final half hour. Carpenter clearly isn’t strong enough to battle well against stronger forwards. Gorry-Logzaro was kind of cool but now the latter is probably hurt.
It was likely the right call to let Raso and Foord get a partial day in on the flanks. The rest will do them good. Yallop will come back stronger too. Next up for the Matildas its Norway in the “Battle of the overrated teams”.
Hmmm….bookie has much to ruminate on.
Weighing in on VAR
How much does France vs. Nigeria weigh down the debate?

How has it come to this? We can’t let it get this out of control. We’re relying far too much on the “eye in the sky”. We’re not running it anymore. It’s running us.
The graphic we use in this segment suddenly makes sense. Everyone already knows what transpired by now. Despite the fact that Wendie Renard totally miffed a penalty AND that the miss had nothing to do with keeper encroachment, the kick had to be retaken because Nigeria’s Chiamaka Nnadozie was spotted maybe half a foot off her line.
Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? The keeper is half a foot off her line while THREE French players are encroaching. I’m not even sure if it was a penalty in the first place. Sure there was contact, but both players were being physical. It was a mutual battle. These are things we didn’t notice before because we didn’t need to notice them. It’s just football…or at least it used to be.
This system fixes nothing. Today, Linari gets between the ball and Debhina and we still get simulation flop fouls. Marta makes a history on a dive.
Speaking of which….
“Riffs of the Day”—Day Twelve
Reader: Marta just broke your boy Klose’s record.
Vicey: Yes…but she’s wearing lipstick.
Reader: Marta is the World Cup’s all-time leading goal-scorer.
Vicey: Lipstick!
Reader: She did it!
Vicey: Why doesn't anyone else notice that SHE'S WEARING LIPSTICK?!
Reader: Sam Kerr’s got five on it too!
Vicey: Lipst….er…..eczema!
Reader: What’s the difference between a pit bull and Marta?
Vicey: Bwahahahahahahahaha…And “TRIPLE ZING”, 19-M! A Hat Trick for my man.
Reader: Sam Kerr is a cold fish indeed. Resting Bitch Face after four goals.
Vicey: Well put, 56-M. It’s like she took my little nip in the Day Three Recap. Personally. You can do a flip, girl….or punch the flag. You don’t have to wander around looking like your boyfriend left you alone in bed to go watch C-Span again. Not that I would know much about that look. Why would I know anything about that look?
Reader: Haven’t awarded the day to the girls in a while.
Vicey: Nice of you to check in, 3-F……lipstick!
Japan vs. England

There we are, gentlemen. Knew we’d get some sentimental samurai action at some point.
THE LINE: Pick em’ (rolling down soft from England+1)
Scotland vs. Argentina

Apropos sentimental picks.
THE LINE: Scotland +3 Goals (rolling up soft from Scotland +2)
Columbia vs. Qatar
I’ll hold the line, but give throw you a little prop bet action. Almoez Abdullah Ali stunner at 2 to 1. Takers?
THE LINE: Columbia +2 Goals (holding)
Argentina vs. Paraguay

Busy day tomorrow. Bookie’s too busy to move this line. On second thought, we better play it safe
THE LINE: Argentina +2 Goals (rolling up hard from pick em’)