Day 5: Recap

Spread: 0-10
Straight up: 1-5-4
The curse continues. My original favorites to top the group
(and recent whipping boys) elected to show up even after I gave up on them and
planned a rather intricate Western Poland/Eastern Ukraine holiday for their
underachieving asses. You showed us all, Czechs. The Poles made history as
well. Way to keep your bruised skin in the game, Polska! Blaszcyzykowski’s goal
was not only an exceptionally stunning effort that shall live in Bialo-Czerwoni
lore forevermore, it averted massive Warsaw riots. Football apologists across
the globe sing your praises. In the event anyone remains curious, this bookie
is back in the black. Still humiliated by those stats, though.
Hot Girl Standings---
Games Played
Czech Republic
Where are you hiding your women, Czechs? Chained in the
basement? That can’t be the case. You’re not Austrians after all. Every
bleeding shot of the Czech fan section is a sausage fest. Terrible, terrible
tragedy as I firmly maintain the belief that there exists no country that doesn’t
have beautiful women. Put another way, these statistics grade the cameramen
more than anything else.
retroactive notes:
People like shots of good-looking girls. Period. I won’t
apologize for the “Hot Girl Standings” Period. The camera-men and I have an
unspoken understanding. Period.
The two co-hosts jostle for the number one spot. Exquisite
shots of the hometown fans. This is what it’s all about: A sea of colorful
scarves, all enthusiastically chanting their national anthem. Among them are
hot girls and ugly dudes. I personally don’t let the ratio trouble me. There
will always be one girl waving her scarf and singing with all of her heart.
Hmmm…..“cuties that love their country”. Is this a calendar idea? Some
outlandish fetish? A universal truth that applies to the inherent human need
for sustained passion and intrigue?
An idea that the Tea Party will turn into a series of posters? Well, I
certainly hope it’s not the last one. I don’t think the world can take any more
self-entitled American girls.
retroactive notes:
Let’s expand on that, if only for a brief moment.
American girls are by far the worst. They expect everything, even when they’ve
obviously done nothing. I’m sorry, sweethearts. Though I may not be a recognizable
professional, all of work that I’ve done, all of the words that I’ve typed….if
you’re not working, it won’t work. I may have fallen flat on my face when
confronted with certain challenges. I may have cowered and hid when life
rejected me. I may have acted more like a woman that you ever did. I still
never got stressed out about anything other than work. There’s nothing
inherently wrong with wanting to raise a family. Just don’t act as if it’s
something unimaginably stressful. Sorry. Having a husband that takes care of
you while you get annoyed about the kids’ graduation picture isn’t good enough.
Complaining that the kids are too needy come breakfast time isn’t good enough.
Raging about your need for attention when you do nothing besides clean the
house ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH! It’s only a small percentage of American Women that I
refer to. Get to work and all will be well.
“Ramble On, Vicey”---
--I knew the Czechs had it in them. Not really of course. I
ditched them quicker than an obsolete political talking point. Ahem, presenting
the evolution of “Vicey and the Narodak”:
1) Group A Preview Section:
the enigmatical fuck is everyone so down on the Czechs?”
2) From Round One:
looks as if Jirasek and Plaisil may be fit as well, meaning that all of our
lineup projections do not fully reflect the amount of “Narodak” pop that will
be on hand. Petr Cech soars on
cloud nine after snatching the Champions League title away from Bayern. My
prediction that Bilek’s Boys will top the group still seems exceptionally bold,
but I feel great about this match”
3) From Round Two
LORD, this team is terrible. Atrocious performance from Kadlec, Sivoc, and
Selassie. Lethargic efforts from Hübschmann, Rosicky, Barros, and Jiracek. What
can I say? I honestly thought the recent fine form of Rosicky and Jiracek would
carry over into the tournament. I honestly thought we’d see Polak and Stajner.
I honestly…..look, I’ll level with you: I honestly fucked up. Pure and simple.
They will play better, but that says about as much as a pledge to ONLY drink
six glasses of scotch in place of one’s usual ten.”
4) From Today:
Hi. Present Vicey here. I believed that the Czechs would
draw. I could not foresee that they would score two goals within six minutes. I
give them decent odds against the Poles. Mind you this is present Vicey
speaking. Hello to future Vicey, who will surely put these sentences in italics
as a means of foregoing any additional creativity. How’s it going, future
Vicey? You’re a pathetic loser! You’re even worse than past Vicey. Most people
improve with age. You keep getting older, stranger, and more ridiculous. Fuck
you. You suck harder than Nancy Reagan on an up-and-coming actor. GO FUCK
--The Greeks were offsides a record 452 times in tonight’s
match. That’s the record for football at least. I’ve been drunk in a club and
gone offside with no fewer than 453 women. Beat that, sheep-shaggers!
--In an
adorable little segment, German television interviewed Czech centre-back
Michael Kadlec’s father during halftime. Miroslav Kadlec played for my hometown
club, FC Kaiserslautern, for nearly a decade. He begat Michael in 1984, a young
Leverkusener almost talented enough to play for the German national team. The
father had great accolades for his son. Rightfully so. He played superbly this
evening. The whole charming little affair got me thinking. What if MY father
was interviewed about this evening’s performance?
Interviewer: Well, Herr Vice. How do you think your son did
Papa Vice: He did okay, though he really didn’t apply
Interviewer: How so?
Papa Vice: Well, when you commit yourself to something you
should do so fully. Peter is still too interested in having something
resembling a social life to take his work seriously enough.
Interviewer: And by that you mean?
Papa Vice: I mean he’s too lazy to devote 100% of his time
to his Sportsbook. I’ve noticed that he works very hard at it even though it’s
just a hobby, but he also takes time to chat up girls and play with kids.
Perhaps if someone gave him a paycheck he would be capable of neglecting
everything else.
Interviewer: Are you, in fact, not Vicey’s father? Something
tells me you’re nothing more than an amalgam of his own thoughts.
Papa Vice: That would be correct. I worry. I occasionally
tell other people what to do. I criticize, criticize, and then criticize some
Interviewer: Then you are Vicey’s father?
Papa Vice: No, I’m Vicey. Just with more years, more
experience, and a better job.
Interviewer: Danke schön
Papa Vice: Bitte sehr.
retroactive notes:
I know I just finished a bitter rant on parenting, but
now I’d like to acknowledge how unimaginably difficult it is. My poor father
had the misfortune to beget a smartass. That applies to my mother as well. Two
smart people elected to breed and they got a smartass. If there’s one thing
professors can’t stand, it’s a Klugscheiße. No one likes a smartass. I learned that the hard way ; )
--Oh Cech. What’s with you, man? What sort of top tier
keeper makes amateur errors like these in EVERY major tournament? Who the hell
dubbed you a top tier keeper, anyway? I know five-year-olds with more sense
that to run out toward a ball with two strikers lurking. I know two-year-olds
who could have clasped that floater!
--Bilek’s own fans booed him when his name was announced
during warm ups, but his selection was brilliant. As previously mentioned, the
bench lacked sufficient depth for an overall of the back four. Thus he swapped
Limbersky for Hubnik, moved Kadlec in and flipped Sivoc. He put Jiracek on the
left wing and switched Pilar over to the right. As predicted, Hübschmann took
Rezek’s place, but was slotted into the tamest area of the midfield Jiracek
tore apart the back line missing Sokratis and Avraam for the electrifying
opener. Rosicky split the disastrous duo of Kyriagos and Katsouranis again
three minutes later finding Selassie on the overlap. Selassie’s cutback for
Pilar might have been easily booted away had Katsouranis been more familiar
with his defensive obligations. Instead it was 2-0.
--We’re in for a photo finish in this group. The Pirates
aren’t finished yet either. Coach Fernando Santos will be able to field a more
competitive eleven against the Ruskies. Sokratis and Avraam should return.
Keeper Kostas Chalkias, who was also lost to injury in the 23rd,
will likely be back.
--Great game, Jiracek. Less theatrics next time. You took a
knee to the thigh. No excuse for behaving as if you have menstrual cramps.
--Four yellow cards is a bit much for a Wolfgang Stark
match. The most famous Kraut ref usually keeps matters under control. Nothing
much more to say here, except that I’ve resolved to name my son “Wolfgang
Weis”. Why has this name declined in popularity so steadily? Name your kid
“Wolf”. He’ll be grateful all throughout his teens!
--Schwanz Befürworter update: He selected the same starting
eleven for the first time in his career…..and it didn’t work. Look for him to
make at least four changes before facing off against Greece. Incidentally,
thanks to all you who pointed out that “Advocaat” means “lawyer” in both Dutch
and Danish. It works in old German as well. We’re I to construct a true German
gag; I could re-christen him “Schwanz Rechtsanwalt”
--As diminutive a man as Alan Dzgaoev happens to be, it
appears we have our first favorite for the golden boot. Anyone up for a
straight up bet?
--LEWANDOWSKI!! Oh man…why couldn’t he have scored? That
would have been one of the ALL-TIME top ten goals. A one-touch volley from 30
yards! It was sick.
retroactive notes:
He REALLY should have scored.
--Boenisch and Obrianiak nearly combined for some mega magic
as well. Poles should have won this game as well. Something tells me they’re
only fucking with us. This crescendo shit is all a mind game. Look for a big
coda tomorrow.
--For those who couldn’t follow the “Bringschuld” gag from
the Day 3 recap, here’s the lowdown on Jerome Boateng. The brave defender of
Ghanaian descent has been handed a starting position despite a late season dip
in form and questionable ability on the flank. As the Mannschaft’s greatest
question mark, he’s under enormous pressure to justify the faith Löw has placed
in him. How did he relieve himself of this crushing burden? He spent the night
prior to the match with a sexy lingerie model partaking in the promotional
event known as the “Bikini Penalty Shootout”. (For U.S. fans, it’s the
equivalent of the “Lingerie Bowl” during halftime at the Super Bowl). His coach
pooh-poohed the preparation regimen, so long as Boateng could fulfill the
commitments he made to the Mannschaft…..and did he ever. He played the game of
his life on Saturday. That, syndicate brothers, is “Bringschuld”. Work hard,
play hard.
--If you missed Blaszcyczkowski’s super strike you missed
something special indeed. With confidence and pace he blasted it home. Quite a
--Off to prepare for my hot date this evening. Matchday in
the Fatherland and I’m escorting the hottest girl in all of Germany. Her name
is Carolina. She’s nearly two-years-old and today is her first
Mannschaft-Spiel! She’s at that age when she picks up words left and right.
Hopefully she’ll learn “DEUTSCHLAND!”, “Tor!”, and “Yippee”. Should things go
south for our Nationalelf, she might just pick up a few profane things from me.
“Scheiße!”, “Überscheiße”, and “Verfickte Überscheiße”.
Don’t disappoint an innocent little girl, Brüder. AUF GEHT’S