Day 9: Recap

Spread: 3-15
Straight up: 4-9-5
On the eve of the crucial Greek re-vote, The “Piratiko” have
improbably muscled their way through to surely set up a Quarterfinal Clash with
the Krauts. This takes irony home and fucks it in the ass with a scale model of
the ICE. Dzagoev came within millimeters in both halves. Zhirkov, Glushakov,
Pavlyuchenko, and Pogrebnyak just couldn’t make it happen. Son long Schwanz
Goodbye Polska. You couldn’t even remotely compete with a
Czech side missing captain Thomas Rosicky. After some early chances from Lewandowski,
Murawski , Obraniak, and Polanksi the Czechs took control around the 30th
minute and never relinquished. You spent the remaining hour in your defensive third,
failing to produce even something that vaguely resembled the second cousin
(thrice removed) of a scoring opportunity. An epic belly flop in front of their
home fans for the co-hosts. I might have seen a match that was similarly
atrociously executed, but it was played by seven-year-olds. Shame, shame,
Overall, two sloppy and choppy matches have us football
apologists dusting off the handbook. Ahem. Cough. Wheeze. Let’s see here. How
to explain instances in which the beautiful game falls drastically short?
retroactive notes:
There’s really no explanation. One can only take it
stride and remind oneself that tomorrow will UNQUESTIONABLY be better. Such is
life. It gets better before you know it.
There will always be games like this. Fixtures during which
the ball rarely escapes the midfield, chances are at a premium, and even the
fouls are hardly worth debating. After spending 180 minutes of my life that I
shall never re-acquire watching two teams in white put on a stinker against two
teams in red, all I can convey is how pleased I am that this group is finetto. All
four teams should have been sent home early.
Neither the Greeks nor the Czechs will escape the quarters.
Two talented teams from the “Group of Death” will advance tomorrow, smashing
the everlasting hell out of the survivors of the “Group of Life”. Such is the
way of world. One toils through all the doubt and tribulation. Finally, after
endless struggle, daylight shines through the opaque shadows that hauntingly
loomed over your seemingly infinite hours of excruciatingly painful endeavor.
Move towards the light and you’ll discover a new world free of fear and the asphyxiating
fingers of contriturating doubt. Daylight. Sunshine. A hitherto forgotten perspective
that laterally moves one away from the conventional loops of thought. Freedom.
Where was I? Hmmm..ah yes. Freedom. Light. A new dawn
replete with gold-paved avenues of previously unconsidered hope. Then a
powerful force beyond your control exerts profound abilities you never dreamed
existed to decapitate you within a matter of minutes. Welcome to the
quarterfinals Czechs and Greeks. You have less than three minutes….
retroactive notes:
I look forward to my next thirty years. Plenty of dark
tunnels to come. Even more rays of light. You should look forward to the future
too. Bear in mind that your perspective can shift with every passing moment. I
would have said that your “paradigm” can shift, but that’s nothing but a bunch
of blasé nonsense ; )
Hot Girl Standings---
3 (finished)
3 (finished)
Czech Republic
A masterstroke from the cameramen. Way to give us the full
Polish experience. The girls, the colors, the scarves and the songs. Excellent
job with the Ruskies as well. Nothing good about a bittersweet goodbye, but the
grips ensured that everyone gets a proper send-off. In my own thickly veiled
sardonic way, I attempt to do the same thing. Bravo Polska and Russland. If
only your teams were half as amazing as you.
retroactive notes:
Such a sad vision: Vicey grows old and fat. At a certain
point he realizes that the only job he stands a whelk’s chance of landing is
that of a cameraman. He brings joy to millions with is shots of hot girls in
the stands. Nevertheless, he still goes home to a dark hovel to eat Lean
Cuisine and feverishly masturbate all alone…..uh-oh.
on, Vicey.
--Time travel time:
Group Projection (5/27/2012)
2) Czech
Group Projection (6/15/2012)
2) Czech
Group Standings (6/16/2012)
1) Czech
Analysis: Nearly every permutation except the right one.
--I once again emphasize that we find ourselves on the eve
of critical Greek elections that will re-define Europe. In less than a week,
the German Mannschaft will square off against the Greek Pirate Ship in a match
that has riots written all over it. I don’t wish to fight anymore Greeks. I’m
past the Tina Turner threshold. From the bottom of what passes for my heart, I
offer you assurances that the vast majority of Germans do not despise you.
Before re-issuing reprints of my thoughts on OUR current dilemma written over
the past few weeks, I beseech you to make the right decision tomorrow. Do the
right thing for the future we shall share.
From the Preview Section:
electoral constellation got you down? You’re by no means alone. Such high hopes
after Papandreou ceded to the technocratic Papademos. Now the antics of
Papariga have us almost missing Papakonstantinou. The whole subject elicits
plenty of profanity-laced tirades in my household, especially from my aging
father (re-christened for the purposes of this riff “Papalardass”).
of the riff, let’s get off it and talk more earnestly for a second. We’re gonna
try this again, Hellenes. This time we need a coalition that will at least in
spirit agree to back the agreements signed by the caretaker unity government.
With everyone including Merkel striking a more Keynesian tone, there’s every
reason to believe that some of the harsher stipulations may be MODESTLY
re-negotiated. For instance, Schäuble seems to think we can loosen the rigidity
of the debt-to-GDP ratio temporarily. I fear most of the rest of the austerity
measures must remain. We’ve already negotiated billions in write-downs and have
little room to do anything else. Yes, it’s a painful recession of epic
proportions, but don’t kid yourselves. Matters could always be worse. Tsipras’s
latest brinkmanship only succeeds in placing the ball back in our court
rhetorically. Exit the Eurozone and you will indeed make life much more
troublesome for us. If you think it’s worth absolutely destroying yourselves to
make a point, consider a self-immolation allegory. Making one’s protest point
in such a striking way may garner attention of the more sought-after variety.
you’ve been printing Drachmas in secret (actually not a bad idea at all),
you’re totally fucked. Think a quarterly GDP drop of 6.8% hurts? Try tripling
it. One hundred thousand bankrupt companies? Multiply it by ten. Reduced social
services? How about NO social services; a government that delivers you money
already rendered worthless before you can make it the market. What remains of
your economic infrastructure will be tied up in litigation hell for decades as
MNCs seek to collect in Euros. Even the Drachmas you furtively printed will be
of no help there. Zero Exports or Imports. Endless lawsuits. Complete economic
isolation. A post-apocalyptic landscape where even nutritional needs are hard
to come by. Fuck making yogurt, feta, or any other delicacy. Better slaughter
that goat now before your neighbor gets his hands on it. DON’T DO THIS TO
As bad
an idea as the Single Currency might have been, as much as you feel your
corrupt leaders sold you out, as disingenuously preachy as Germans can be
(believe me I know this firsthand) about EVERYTHING that they don’t even
remotely understand, we are were we are and must come to grips with reality.
Please submit a workable constellation. Not so much for the high-and-mighty
jerk-offs who scowl down upon you from their imaginary pedestals. Do it for
yourselves. Send this Tsipras cat, who perpetually keeps his foot in his mouth
and his head up his ass, packing along with your Neo-Nazi “Golden Dawn” thugs.
to my, albeit crude, calculations, you came in only 7.37 percent under a
potentially workable coalition. Take this away from SYRIZA, KKE, and XA. If you
feel so rotten about giving it to ND, PASOK, LAOS, pump it into ANEL, DIMAR,
OP, DISY, or EK just to name a few. 7.37 % Say it with me. 7.37 %! 7.37%!!
Yes we
can! 7.37%! Yes we can!
Yes we
can! 7.37%! Yes we can!
Yes we
can! 7.37%! Yes we can!
THE 7.37%!
is what democracy looks like!
bring me a black armband and a megaphone!
THE 7.37%!
From Round One:
there be any Grecian contrarians out there, I promise to wire the money you’ve
won straight to your escrow account. Bear in mind, however, that I’ll need
about 75 percent of money transferred back immediately as I collect interest on
the loan I gave you last week. If only I were exaggerating for comedic effect.
This is actually how international debt servicing works. Ordinarily, a lending
institution such as the IMF or World Bank only takes about half of the new
money it’s loaned out back as interest on the loan it doled out last week. Now
you see it. Now you don’t. The money flows in and out before you can even so
much think about using it. The whole process now only takes a matter of
minutes. Now that three of them have joined forces to operate as “The Troika”,
they’re even more serious about protecting their interests. On any given day,
between two thirds and three fourths of the money wired to Athens, goes
straight back into the accounts of the IMF and ECB. Here’s the money we
promised. And there goes the d It’s Homer Simpson receiving his heavily docked
Santa paycheck at warp speed.
moral of this whole aside: Please just leave the Greeks alone during our
glorious pan-European unity celebration. As I wrote in my preview sections,
German banks are by no means blameless for this whole fiasco. I personally do
not plan to bitch about the Greeks at all…at least not until June 17th.
Remember that this remains one of the few times when all get together and feel
all right. Buy a Greek in your vicinity a drink today. Furthermore, give
him/her a chance to nurse the full glass. As tempting as it may be to guzzle
most of it yourself, hand them your backwash, and cruelly gloat, “Hehe…..Check
it out. I’m the European Financial Stability Mechanism”…it’s not funny.
retroactive notes:
For still more retroactive thoughts on the Greek re-vote,
visit the Group A Preview Section.
--Smuda didn’t change a damn thing with respect to his
starting eleven. As a result, he’ll be changing his address labels soon. Do
keep the former SpVgg Greuther-Furth defender in your prayers. Hope he made it
home tonight.
retroactive notes:
Smuda resigned the next day, June 16th. We
wish him well. ;)
--Watching Lewandowski shoot it over in the 9th….yeah…one
just knew it. Wasn’t Polska’s day.
--On the controversial Karagounis diving call: I realize
that most every commentator will disagree with me, but I thought his
embellishment of an inadvertent trip deserved a booking. The face he made
afterwards was in itself worthy of a yellow. In general I think everyone should
carry yellow and red cards in their back packet. “What’s that you said, dude?
‘Santorum has some valid points’? Look, I’m sorry I have to do this, but….
retroactive notes:
I think anyone with even the slightest authority should
carry a yellow card in their pocket. Think about instances in which your
two-bit asshole boss chastises you about something wholly unimportant. If,
instead of acting as if they’re something special, they simply flashed a yellow
card, wouldn’t you feel better about the entire situation?
--Awesome clearance from Torosidis in the 75th.
Bicycle it on out of there! Almost completed a full bicycle kick myself once. I
only missed the ball by a mere two feet before falling flat on my worthless ass
via the left shoulder blade.
--Sweet cutback from Zhirkov in the 16th. Decent
one from Pavlyuchenko in the 66th. Well done from Rosicky
replacement Daniel Kolar in the 59th. All of them were cut out by
alert inner-defensemen who were on their game. What can I say? Even boring
matches have their moments of extraordinary skill. Isn’t that enough? “Not even
close”, you say. Where's my damn apologists handbook? Don’t worry. It’s around
here somewhere.
--POGREBNYAK! Wonderfully threaded in pass from Arshavin.
What are you doing using your right hand to pat it down? Might have just cost
your team the tournament!
--Best of luck at PSV, Schwanz Befürworter. Won’t be the
same without you…..
retroactive notes:
Schwanz Befürworter recently announced his total,
complete, “never look back” retirement. Now life will REALLY never be the same.