Day 6: Recap

Spread: 1-11
Straight up: 2-6-4
Hallelujah! We met a spread! We met a spread! Yes we did!
Yes, we did! Thanks in part to C. Ronaldo, who desperately needs to spend more
time on the training pitch and less gelling his hair. He nearly blew it for
them twice. No matter. Pepe has obviously put his time in during the set piece
drills. Postiga knows how to finish and Varela realizes that when one miffs a
chance, the proper response is to stay focused on re-converting. Had Ronaldo
whiffed like him, he would have ignored the live ball and dramatically
beseeched the heavens. Then, of course, we had the “Niderlände Niederlage”.
Unbelievable how far they’ve fell in less than a week. We’ve been flying flags,
honking horns, and screaming “Deutschland!!!” all night long. Such a decisive
victory was by no means anticipated. Robben, I’m afraid it’s just not your
Hot Girl Standings---
Czech Republic
We’re gonna have to better than this, Danes. Where are all
the Danish women? At home preparing Smørrebrød? You even have an attractive
Prime Minister? No Excuses! Bring on the “høtties”! Anemic numbers put up by
both the true Germans and the pretend Germans. Not anyone’s fault in
particular. A captivating match with constant end-to-end action leaves little
time to swing over to the eye candy.
“Ramble On, Vicey”---
--Al right, that’s it. I know I’ve already devoted nearly
twenty pages to epic bitching about these pretty boys and their absurdly gelled
hair. Ronaldo, Mountinho, Veloso, Nani, Pereira, Coentrao, Alves….STOP IT.
You’re not going out clubbing. You’re here to play a football match. Fuck you
and your fucking stalagmites. What girl out there finds this alluring? What
sort of female says, “oooooh, his spikes close the deal.” STOP IT!!!!
retroactive notes:
Let it go, hipsters. You’re not unique. Nothing about you
is unique. Let it go.
--Oh and I’m not through with you, Ronaldo. Everyone knows
that you’re a set piece Wizard, but your stance resembles a stray dog preparing
to drop a deuce.
--And I’m still not finished with you Ronaldo. You screwed a
sure goal wide in the 47th. You did it again in the 66th.
In the 79th you had only the keeper to beat and you kicked it like a
kitten. The North Koreans engineer more effective rockets than you. How the
Umayyading fuck did you score 60 goals this season? Oh right, you play in La
--A truly hard-fought brace from the gunner’s Nicholas
Bendter. Why does he receive so little love at the Emirates? One had to feel
for the Danes, who not only face the high-flying Krauts next, but also lost
Niki ZImling and Dennis Rommedahl to injury. Old hares Kahlenberg, Silberbauer,
and Christian Poulsen shouldn’t even be considered. Can Lasse-Schöne do it
alone? Hmmm..perhaps if Kvist can step it up.
--Endless defensive mistakes for the Danes. Agger and Simon
Poulsen are too physically taxed to patch up the left properly next match, even
as Old Man Olsen has o viable alternates. Kjaer and Kvist gave away more clumsy
passes than a drunken soristitute. Not looking good. It may be light eighteen
hours a day on the flaccid peninsula, but the metaphorical dark days are
coming. Emblazoning “Vikings
without fear” on the side of your bus won’t do nearly enough.
--Another great match from Krohn-Deli. His clever and
unselfish header to Bendtner was brilliant. Of course Varela deserves man of
the match honors.. That’s how you do it, Ronaldo! It ain’t over so long as the
ball remains live.
--Poor Boateng. Suspended for the next match. Whatever will
he do? I mean, besides Gina-Lisa.
retroactive notes:
I’d do Gina-Lisa. You’d do Gina-Lisa. There’s no sense
--Looks like Gomez is for real after all. Here’s a taste of
cynicism from everyone’s favorite imbecile, “Past Vice’
From the Preview Section:
being relegated to the bench in 2008 and 2010, Mario Gomez has earned his
term….in much the same way that Mitt Romney has earned the Republican
Presidential nomination. Gomez scored 41 goals for Bayern this season and is
now worth an estimated 42 million Euros. Nevertheless, I must insist that he
not start for the Mannschaft. Why? To begin with, Ribbery fed him more than
half of those goals. He’s nothing without the Frog. Furthermore, Gomez has
consistently demonstrated that he cannot acclimate himself to the rhythm of my
Mannschaft. He’s a hulking man who patrols for crosses. Our lack of wingers
precludes such a strategy. Gomez is not merely the next Kevin Kuranyi. He’s far
worse; a towering Peter Crouch absent any flank feeds. Placing him alongside
Klose would be nothing short of a disaster. Poldi and Schweine will not be able
to accommodate him. That’s to say nothing of Klose himself or forward
sparkplugs like Lahm, Khedira, Özil, and Müller.”
From Round One:
the world by starting Klose in place of Gomez, even after his sensational goal.
Klose’s playmaking ability represents the one X-factor the Dutch WON’T be
prepared for. Switch back to Gomez for subsequent matches if necessary. Just
keep em’ guessing.”
Damn good thing I'm not in charge of this outfit. As for the
man who is, this is what one calls a ‘segue’.
--Quote of the day.
“I find Joachim Löw very attractive” –girl I dragged to the
retroactive notes:
And that’s all you’re ever going to know about that ;)
Okay by me, doll. Feel free to speak fawningly about my Mannschaft
all you like. No jealously here. My future ex-girlfriend can even go down on
them all she likes. I won’t break up with her for that. As usual, it will be
because I was so distracted that I forgot about the evening out we planned.
--Despite the late van Persie strike and the sustained
flurry of pressure in the final twenty minutes, an overall dominant performance
from our Nationalelf. Here are my grades:
Manuel Neuer
Matt Hummels
Mario Gomez
Bastian Schweinsteiger
Mesut Özil
Thomas Müller
Phillip Lahm
Holger Badstuber
Sami Khedira
Jerome Boateng
Lucas Podolski
No genuinely bad marks to hand out. Slight dip in form for
Khedira. Poldolski hasn’t been particularly explosive, but one would be hard
pressed to justify the loss of his starting position. Boateng also had
difficulty living up to his previous performance, but that was to be expected.
Not worried about him as he gets a day off anyway. Look for Löw to perhaps move
the hungry Hummels out toward the flank and give Mertesacker the opportunity to
reprise his central halfback role. A rest cure for Özil (Kroos standing in) is
not out of the question. Neither is a break for Podolksi (Schürrle standing in)
or Müller (Götze or Reus given at least a 45-minute-shot). We may even so Klose
earlier if the Mannschaft can build a decisive lead. The old Pole wants a sniff
badly, and nearly snatched a howler from Stekelenburg late in the match.
--In addition to being a strikingly handsome man, Löw also
possesses a great sense of humor. Early in the first half proceedings he snuck
up behind a ball boy and punched the lad’s sole responsibility out of his
hands. A panicked peon swung round to find Löw smiling at him. He’s only 52
ladies…not to mention rich. When you see something you desire, just go for it.
Other women might call you a slut, but fuck them. They’re nothing more than
petty, vile, and catty creatures who thrive on elevating their own mood by
keeping their female friends down on their level. What? You know it's true.
Notice something you like? Go for it.
retroactive notes:
It was priceless. So glad to witness Joachim Löw doing
something other than picking his nose.
--Robben, Robben, Robben. You can’t score. You can’t dance.
Holger Badstuber is cracking open your skull with his own. You deserve a
vacation. No worries. It’s coming.
--So Boateng took one to the pelvis? Not the biggest workout
his torso got this week.
--Hey “Flying Dutchmen” fans:
Don’t be taken aback. I’m not like the other German fans;
the ones that bum rush your fan section, throw empty bottles at your corner
kicker, and release tailored TV ads specifically aimed at you:
From Media Markt (German circuit city): “Watch the EM 2012
Final match on a Television…just like the Dutch players.”
retroactive notes:
“Verbringen Sie der EM so wie die Niederläde, vor dem
Fernsehen.” Good stuff. Good times.
Yeeeeouch. Way to kick a crippled kid when he tripped over
his own crutches. Sorry, Hollanders. You really deserved better.
Mathematically, there’s a way for you to sneak through. Realistically, however,
van Persie will be looking to get laid in Ibiza come Monday.
--Gomez might consider a career as a ballet dancer. The big
man pulled off a fantastic pirouette. Klaas Jan Huntelar might consider a
career as an offensive lineman. He moved about as well as a nose tackle after
being brought on for the restart. Down with van der Vaart as well. You were
supposed to be a sparkplug, not a butt plug!!
--Ordinarily I’d sign off with some words on this evening’s
matches. Too late for that today, though. We’re late. Children are a ray of
sublime sunshine. They also, without fail, prevent you from finishing your work
in a timely fashion. Bear that in mind. Balance can be elusive….