Tuesday, May 1, 2012

WM 2010--Attack of The Syndicate

Editor’s retroactive notes:
WM 2010

Approximately six months after the two qualifying Sportsbooks, it was back to business as usual..or was it? Sharing the book with a wider audience facilitated an irreversible impetus forward into ever more dangerous territory. I embarked upon the project knowing full well that it had to be bigger, broader, and more fearless. Even a full time job would not slow me down. Say a secular prayer and jump into the deep end, Vicey. Worry not how others (including your colleagues) might react. Simply concentrate on entertaining as many as possible.

I wouldn’t want to convey the impression that I am either especially courageous or someone who lacks social tact. I’ve deactivated my Facebook profile when real or potential employment demanded it. I’ll bite my lip and not even attempt to be humorous in the presence of those with whom I interact professionally. What makes most any occupation difficult (and, more topically, why I refuse to believe a stay-at-home mother has a “job”) concerns the energy one must constantly expend restraining and censoring oneself. Mind your face. No one must know that you’re feeling lousy, stressed, or frustrated. They’ll use that against you. Choose your words carefully. Even the tamest of jokes or a remark that utilizes erudite vocabulary will offend someone. If you try to strike up an innocent conversation you might be accused of being “too friendly”. Should you simply nod, keep your head down and do the work with which you were charged you’ll be labeled “too standoffish”.

We all must trudge into an office of some sort for a minimum of eight hours every day. These intervals can often be the loneliest experiences of all, dominated by the fear that anything you say or do can potentially be used against you by a cutthroat, bloodthirsty band of individuals eager to blame someone else for the fact that they’re uncomfortable in their own skin. How to deal with such petty nonsense in the work environment?

The most commonly exercised solution appears to be to clique-up with a few co-workers and spend hours bitching shallowly and gossiping about the rest of the crew. What an imbecilic waste of an otherwise good life. Some attempt to apply existential philosophy to the grind….with mixed results. Alain de Botton’s “On the Pleasures and Sorrows of Work” is a delightfully thoughtful look into how even accountants can manage to live a richly rewarding life. Todd Buchholz’s “Rush: Why you Need and Love the Rat Race” is a self-aggrandizing worthless twit’s attempt to take a shit on the keyboard and make an obscene amount of money from it. As for myself, my preferred approach is to choose not to be afraid and focus intently on producing the highest quality of work I find myself situationally capable of. I regret to report, however, that this otherwise practical procedure has never been enough to lead to any success. Not even close. Not even once. As the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca once remarked, just assume the world is against you. It’ll save you a great deal of grief.

Contrary to what that sac-less shithead Buchholz would have you believe, none of us “need” the rat race. We’d all be happier quietly competing against ourselves. We'd improve more efficaciously as well. And what of the luxury of being oneself? What of the life-sustaining redemption that comes from sharing a genuine laugh with friends, bonding over a book that you immensely enjoyed, or swapping stories of the year gone by? Well, it that respect I’m the luckiest man alive. Perhaps the world isn’t against me after all. Thank you, syndicate members. You’re the only angels an Atheist will ever believe in.

One may think that the opulence and sumptuous comfort of 2006 made it the most glorious of the Sportsbooks. Nothing could be further from the truth. 2010 was by far the most fun, by a factor of at least thirty. The gratitude mentions must be begun at random as no soul could possibly find a place to begin. Thanks to my hardcore BR Brothers. Thanks DW, Mr. Frank,  D-ray, Wook, P-Allay, Charlie, Johnny, AW, P, and Sunshine. Thanks to a few Br sisters who threw in a comment or two. Carolina, Eli, Jenny, and Shir. Thanks to my Mizzou mates who came followed and even came to watch a few games. Thanks D-Sipe, Steve-o, Malik, Doc. Shwe, Ed, Greg, Fatima, Donna, Dougie, Brenda and Brewski. Thanks to all THREE cohorts of my international friends. Thanks to every single one of you from the 2001 sojourn. Thanks to all those transplant Berliners from 07-08. Thanks to the Karlsruhe Krew Mike, Chris, Christine, Charlotte, Holger, Katherine, and Wolf. I can’t wait to see you all. Last but not least, thanks to the final cohort: My Monterrey Mates. Thanks to Reed, Fonsi, Mamen, Lefteris, Mario, Ring, Loba, Max, Theo, Margo, Andy, Steve, Kyle, Julie, Wendy, and Seth. We may lead radically different lives, but I assure you I think of you often, reflecting with great pride what amazing people you are. Things might have worked out differently, but you’ll never be erased from my heart.

If I neglected to mention anyone by name, I promise that it is merely because necessity dictates that we move forward with some pace until we reach the present. I cannot devote the time to these 1200+ pages of dated content that would give us full inclusion. I barely have enough time to re-format all these pages. Should you find yourself hurt that your name did not pop up, I invite you to write me. Those who know me best can attest to the fact that I never leave an e-mail unanswered. I’ll prove to you that I remember you with clarity that will astound you.         

Let 2010 commence. Your friendly bookie has matured. Hell, even these retroactive notes have matured. Welcome one and all to my favorite of all the books. All the love.

Greetings Stateside Syndicate Members (who are increasing fanning out all over the globe),
For the fifth time in the past eight years, a momentous sporting event necessitates that we stop pretending we’ve grown into responsible adult men, and commence hurling ethnic slurs at one another, inventing obscene phrases, and backing it all up with whatever currency we happen to be trading in. Your bookie welcomes you back for yet another month-long international adventure. Four weeks, sixty three matches, and as much cash at stake as you wish. Let the biennial tradition continue. Let’s get together and feel all right… J J

Introduction—A special rant for all of the both Facebook readers

What? No baroque introduction Vicey? No eighteen-part diatribe on tariff quotas or some other obscure issue that irritated you in last quarter’s “Northern European Trade Review”? No worries, the eccentric, obsessive keyboard thumper hasn’t gone anywhere. This crazed screwball still delights in writing long treatise no one can ever manage to get through, and still does so just for the sheer unadulterated hell of it.

Still, we’ll give it a miss on Facebook for purely practical reasons. Treasured long-time syndicate members can print out the trademark World Cup Tomes (using entire trees in the process) while the casual Facebook reader may care to place a bet or two. (Pause for collective sigh of relief). You’re welcome everyone! Hopefully, your fascination with football won’t end after this tournament.

Being on Facebook, however, it somehow feels right to rant about something. Hmmmm….Why an abridged Facebook version? Well, certainly not because I’m too timid to showcase a twisted sense of humor and the occasional fondness for profane poor taste jokes. NOTE TO FACEBOOK USERS: Stop whining about your privacy being violated. You elected to build a profile-based shrine to yourself. Deal with the consequences.

This applies to everyone beyond this website. There is far too illegitimate outcry over this issue in the world today. Let’s get it together people. My mates in Berlin moan that sharing Bank Data with the U.S. means that (gasp) Washington might know that they drank a few liters of beer in Wedding yesterday. My female friends express anxiety that a photo of them holding a Bud Light Golden Wheat will somehow invalidate the fact that they are eminently qualified and make their boss deem them a drunken slut. All across the country, enraged dip-shits are dead certain a census worker asking for their name and birthday is part of a government conspiracy to find the combination on their luggage.

It’s one thing to have a job that mandates security clearances (as some might) or live in one of the world’s remaining police states (as others do). My quarrel is with those insignificant losers who act as if they have a STASI File. Will you people chill the hell out? The amount of data in the world today means Big Brother has to be fairly focused on the OSINT end. To that effect, no one gives a hemorrhaging fuck about you or that time in college you elected to pose with that bong. Moreover, I sincerely doubt the government is going to use your daughter’s birthday to do….whatever the hell you are afraid of. (Send her a present presumably).

The truly pathetic reason behind this wave of non-Civil Liberties unrest is the lamentable fact that most people consider themselves pretty important: significant enough to be spied on. Even if they’re not excessively paranoid, most people tend to vastly over-estimate how much others think of them. Study after study confirms you over-assume your place in other people’s head. Allow me to demonstrate my confidence that maybe one person is reading this: You’re not important. Anyone can find out about you anytime, but people have neither the time nor the interest. Too few people seem to comprehend how truly enormous and complex this world is and what an infinitely insignificant sub-atomic nothing they are. Have some sense of proportion, and a little humility as well.

Now that we’ve all established what small, insignificant creatures we are, shall we all be ourselves and have a little fun while we’re still alive. I’ll get us started:


Editor’s retroactive notes:

To briefly bookend the opening theme, time to once again touch on the privilege of being a loser. Were I someone of great import with a prestigious position, I would only be able to express my views when everyone was too drunk to remember. Thankfully, I’m one of the least significant people on this planet. I may thus shoot from the hip, occasionally speaking to you directly from the heart. Life is good.