Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WM 2010--Day One Recap

WM 2010

Day 1: Recap

Spread: 0-2-0
Straight up: 0-0-2


Hot Girl Standings---

Games Played
South Africa

“Through Everyone’s Eyes”---

God Bless You-tube! Screw you, nut-less copyright fiends! This is supposed to be a GLOBAL celebration of YOUR game! Starting in 2006, we’ve had the privilege of tapping into the rest of the world’s perspective. Back then, one could view every goal called in Chinese, Japanese, French, Turkish, eight different versions of Spanish, and pretty much any language that humans utter. This time around, looks as if FIFA is hell bent on destroying its own sport. They’re one step ahead, particularly on youku, 163, and youtube L L Nevertheless, one can enjoy a limited collection for a limited time. The fist successful strike of a WM is an event that induces shouting in all the languages of the Berlin metro. This year we had a real beauty. Gentlemen, I give you Siphewe Tschablala:

In Russian

In German

From mother England

???? Hebrew Maybe ???

Directly from South Africa



Way to ruin the global game, FIFA. You non-audio highlights SUCK!

 Stream of Consciousness—

Not a bad debut for the da boys. Our “Hot Chicks” Competition had a spot of difficulty getting off the ground, which was to be expected. Rather than focusing on a nation’s female ambassadors, camera-men have a duty to convey the significance of the event, at least in the beginning. Hence we were treated to a full 20 seconds of Joe Biden looking overly-contemplative and Desmond Tutu doing what appeared to be the hully-bully. All of that remains fairly sexy, but still. Was Biden wearing a snuggie?

 Looks like the French are of to their typical sluggish start. So much talent, yet they never seem to be able to get it in gear early. Perhaps they should consider working more than 35 hours in a week….

Overall, some bad officiating, terrible coaching (Domenech), and a serious dearth of goals has us football apologists working overtime. No fear, footies, the beautiful game, the beautiful goals, and the beautiful girls will be back!!